It is now too late for VW-Audi to start building an engine for the 2014 season.
I would also like to see Michael to continue racing. But he should hang up his helmet if he fails to secure at least a Lotus Renault.
Who said they are not already exactly doing this?wunderkind wrote:Marcush,
It is now too late for VW-Audi to start building an engine for the 2014 season.
I would also like to see Michael to continue racing. But he should hang up his helmet if he fails to secure at least a Lotus Renault.
So not renewing his contract and signing Lewis is not kicking Michael out the door? OK....Nando wrote:His contract was out. the only thing Mercedes did was to not renew his contract.
they haven´t pushed him out or bought him out, they simply chose not to renew his contract.
Very very understandable...marcush. wrote:just viewed a statement on RTL by Sabine Kehm :
she stated ,Schumacher knew about the decision for a few days and he was in fact happy how things panned out! So in effect he did not want to continue with Mercedes GP.
Finally-if he knew before AND decided Not to announce his retirement ....this would hint at him planning to contnue somewhere else.
not sure how your answer refers to my comment? i didn't comment on him compared to rosbergfiohaa wrote:...since china he has outraced and outqualified rosberg.
try building some facts into your opinions.
Who's the guy that has driven up the arse of someone multiple times since his come back?snoop1050 wrote:who was that guy that crashed with massa 5 teams in a single season? and no it wasnt maldonado
so you are the judge?astracrazy wrote:not sure how your answer refers to my comment? i didn't comment on him compared to rosbergfiohaa wrote:...since china he has outraced and outqualified rosberg.
try building some facts into your opinions.
merc isn't currently a top team there midfield (higher end yes) and he does make amateur mistakes.
Who's the guy that has driven up the arse of someone multiple times since his come back?snoop1050 wrote:who was that guy that crashed with massa 5 teams in a single season? and no it wasnt maldonado
dude even his manager said that. (i post again)Ganxxta wrote:Very very understandable...marcush. wrote:just viewed a statement on RTL by Sabine Kehm :
she stated ,Schumacher knew about the decision for a few days and he was in fact happy how things panned out! So in effect he did not want to continue with Mercedes GP.
Finally-if he knew before AND decided Not to announce his retirement ....this would hint at him planning to contnue somewhere else.
Can you share the link plz? manager Sabine Kehm said: "Michael didn't stay at Mercedes because he wasn't sure he wanted to drive and that didn't change over time."
She insisted that Schumacher "would have been able to sign if he had wanted to earlier in the summer".