2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb

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Cold Fussion
Cold Fussion
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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


I would be surprised if they started with less than 100 kg of fuel really, so long as your not marginal on fuel in the race (which they shouldn't baring one or two events), you want to burning 100 kg/h as often as possible to be making full use of the mgu-h.

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


atanatizante wrote:I dunno if it`s the best thread to talk about this matter but it`s the following reasoning right to take into account? :

2013 : with a 641kg min. allowed car, then for 10kg of fuel (not 10 litres, coz density is lower than 1) worth it on average 0,35 sec/lap

2014 : with a 691kg min. allowed car, hence a 7,8% increase, therefore for a 10kg of fuel the time loss will be on average 0,377 sec/lap
I see it differently. The same 10kg of fuel in terms of percentage of vehicle weight is less in 2014 than in 2013, as a result, the lap time impact would also be smaller.

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


if you look at it this way, this year cars use lets say 100KF fuel and last year it was more like 150kg Fuel (i think) Cars will actualy start the race about the same weight as they started last year.

over 50 laps this year lets sat 2 litres of fuel will be used per lap

over 50 laps last year lets sat 3 litres of fuel will be used per lap

So i would think the car that loses most weight each lap would speed up faster than the car that doesnt lose as much weight each lap??

all guess work and its hurting my head to think about it

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


I don´t think you can do that comparison when there´re so many differences between 2013 and 2014 cars. The V6 will be better pushing from low revs... but then the old V8 had more power at the peak of the curve... aero has also changed... shifting is completely different... tires are different...

Too many variables to evaluate lap time differences while getting lighter

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


atanatizante wrote:I dunno if it`s the best thread to talk about this matter but it`s the following reasoning right to take into account? :

2013 : with a 641kg min. allowed car, then for 10kg of fuel (not 10 litres, coz density is lower than 1) worth it on average 0,35 sec/lap

2014 : with a 691kg min. allowed car, hence a 7,8% increase, therefore for a 10kg of fuel the time loss will be on average 0,377 sec/lap

So the influence of fuel on board is also increased and we could see this year some fuel management scenarios like 90kg of fuel from start to finish and this could worth in a 50 lap race a woooping 18,85 sec. gain at the end of the race …

And maybe there are some teams like RBR which will follow the same tactics route like they did in 2013 (with a underfueled car) and in addition with a little help from a less thirsty Renault turbo engine could do the job done.
Now if you do the math 90kg from 100kg is 10% decrease, which could be easily done by a 3% engine consumption and the last 7% is down to tactics u.e. first stint to the max and the rest just running in leaning mode …

Btw. it is interesting to know if someone has done the math regarding the race fuel tactics, so you could clearly see which is the fastest way to finish a race this year:

a) Running a max. power race, though within the 100kg limit
b) Running with let`s say 90kg of fuel on board
c) Running with the lowest consumption engine mapping mode
The question really is how much would you have to slow down to make it to the end? If your still running competitive lap times then you would be better off keeping the extra 10 kilos to give yourself more strategic flexibility. Especially now with the prospect of unreliability, and being fuel limited. A team could potentially make up a couple places just by not having to turn the engine down. Even more if they have fuel to burn and can go flat out with full power.

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


The Lotus sounds pretty good.


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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


atanatizante wrote:(snip)
And maybe there are some teams like RBR which will follow the same tactics route like they did in 2013 (with a underfueled car) and in addition with a little help from a less thirsty Renault turbo engine could do the job done.
Now if you do the math 90kg from 100kg is 10% decrease, which could be easily done by a 3% engine consumption and the last 7% is down to tactics u.e. first stint to the max and the rest just running in leaning mode …
Where is this coming from? How can we conclude from the experience of a NA V8 that the V6 Turbo will exhibit the same characteristics (lower consumption)? The new engines have so little in common with the previous V8s that I wouldn't even think about hazarding a guess at which of the three engines has the best fuel efficiency.

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


No Ted's Notebook?
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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


You'd have thought that RB would turn up at bahrain with a very conservative cooling setup, given they desperately need to make up for some lost time and guarantee giving themselves plenty of tracktime, then they can tighten the bodywork up afterwards...

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


Rear brake issue caused Vettel to stop. It was an overheating problem unrelated to their earlier problems which have been fixed.

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


Mr.G wrote:No Ted's Notebook?
I think David Croft is in Bahrain and Ted has this one off.

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


dren wrote:Rear brake issue caused Vettel to stop. It was an overheating problem unrelated to their earlier problems which have been fixed.

well certainly maybe, but I will take that with some skepticism...For sure they couldn't say "as soon as we have started to push we crashed the engine..."

also, if the problems are connected with ERS-K in the way that many voices say, then it could be that engaging the ers-k caused instability in the transmission that finally lead to interfere with braking by wire and block the wheel...so to say brake issue is not to lie...still it would be pretty far from truth

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


Does anyone have stint breakdowns that show which teams have run the longest runs & sims so far this year?
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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


"...and there, very much in flames, is Jacques Laffite's Ligier. That's obviously a turbo blaze, and of course, Laffite will be able to see that conflagration in his mirrors... he is coolly parking the car somewhere safe." Murray Walker, San Marino 1985

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Re: 2014 Testing - Bahrain 19-22 Feb


Are there any videos of the cars performing on this test? Similar to Jerez?
Art without engineering is dreaming. Engineering without art is calculating. Steven K. Roberts