Silly Season 2011/2012

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


Hamilton is Formula One's true prodigy, and I can't see him leaving McLaren, but at the same time, he wants to win championships and races and he could be lured to RBR. I don't think he needs to go there, McLaren have been inching towards matching or surpassing RBR's pace.
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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


Lets leave Hamilton-Vettel-Red Bull 2013 till mid season and from what we see from the firts half dozen races.

Looks like the grid will be complete soon with Van Der Garde being announced at Hispania in a €6m minimumn deal.

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


I wonder how much Sutil's assault charges are to blame for him being without a seat for 2012?
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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


xpensive wrote:I wonder how much Sutil's assault charges are to blame for him being without a seat for 2012?
Quite a lot I think. Being that PR obligations are considered almost as important as what guy shows on track and in politically correct world we are living now, such a history can be considered PR-disaster. Besides, had the case been over it would be another matter, but can he himself guarantee that he would not be sent to prison amidst a season?

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


xpensive wrote:I wonder how much Sutil's assault charges are to blame for him being without a seat for 2012?
It's going to be the death blow to his career in Formula One.
"You're so angry that you throw your gloves down, and the worst part is; you have to pick them up again." - Steve Matchett

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


scuderiafan wrote:
xpensive wrote:I wonder how much Sutil's assault charges are to blame for him being without a seat for 2012?
It's going to be the death blow to his career in Formula One.
there is reputed to be a video clip which shows that it was just a stupid accident ; let's hope that the evidence shows that it was
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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


If the video does exist and shows some benign horseplay, then the Renault fellow is just following "litigation culture".
Shame really as Sutil is a decent driver, if a tad error prone on occasion.

Has Hamilton mentioned anything of the incident?
More could have been done.
David Purley

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


Hamilton is due to give testimony - the case is due in court January 30th if I'm not mistaken.

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012

Post ... 658181.stm
Prosecutors are requesting a year's suspended sentence for Sutil.
According to the BBC Sutil is facing a one year suspended sentence for agravated assult.
This sounds like the complainant is laying ground-work for a civil case.
However that is not necessary to win damages in a civil suit, plus Lux doesn't need the money. I think it will be interesting to get the details. If guilty Sutil just needs to use:

For one year :lol:
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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


scuderiafan wrote:
xpensive wrote:I wonder how much Sutil's assault charges are to blame for him being without a seat for 2012?
It's going to be the death blow to his career in Formula One.
Sutil will be back next year after the case. He's too talented to be overlooked. Take for examplethe mclaren engineer who lied to the fia and pat symonds. Thoses guys are even more dastardly considering the context. 5util will be back.
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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


JohnsonsEvilTwin wrote:If the video does exist and shows some benign horseplay, then the Renault fellow is just following "litigation culture".
Shame really as Sutil is a decent driver, if a tad error prone on occasion.

Has Hamilton mentioned anything of the incident?
Is this a legal or civil matter? I honestly have not been following that close, but if he has the potential for jail time/punishment, than he is not being sued, he is being charged with a crime.

After the trial is over, then the Renault guy can go after him for damages in a civil court.

I think. I'm not a lawyer, but I drove by a courthouse the other day.
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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


@ Giblet

I think its a criminal case, but those will usually always end up in a civil court should the verdict not be damning enough for either party.

This hinges on Video evidence and Hamiltons testimony.....its small chips.... but I cant wait for the court action to begin! 8)
More could have been done.
David Purley

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


This is a criminal case. Sutil is being charged by the prosecution of “causing grievous bodily harm”.
It is rather odd that the venue is Munich, considering the alleged crime was perpetrated in Shanghai China.

Joe Saward has an interesting take on this: ... and-trial/
Adrian Sutil is going to have to go to court over the alleged fight in a night club in Shanghai with Lotus F1 Team partner Eric Lux. Lux sustained injuries on the left side of his neck which required 24 stitches. It is not clear how the German authorities have reached the conclusion that a German court would have jurisdiction in such a case. Normally a trial would take place in China.

There are additional problems in relation to police reports and local witnesses. It may well be that the case will be dismissed with the German judges saying that it is not their role to pass judgement in such an affair
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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


Yea Its criminal case, I think Sutil will face difficult trial from the judiciary.

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Re: Silly Season 2011/2012


Test Drivers starting to be announced:

D'Ambrosis to Lotus F1.