mcdenife wrote:You imply there are no Good(?) muslims (which is like saying there are no good people), they are not offended or they are all terrorists. What is the to agree on?
Please read carefully what I've written. I'm not saying that all Muslims are terrorists but completely saying opposite - most of the population in Islamic countries are not supporting terrorists but they can't raise their voice because those societies are dominated minority of adult males (not all men). Most of the Muslims are victims of their own society, especially woman. If we agree that 50% of each population are woman and that at least 30% are children than it is clear that I'm not generalizing people as I've already mentioned.
But those who can hit the streets, those who go out to burn US and Israel flags, those who celebrated on 9/11 are who dominate/run/rule in such societies are the ones I blame for going out on the street because of the cartoon, not going out on the street to condemn terrorists and for making celebrations on events like 9/11. I'm not blaming woman, children and minority of men with different opinion but those who they suffer under.
mcdenife wrote:All good PEOPLE have denounced (not protest mind you) terrorism or these attacks but since muslims as a group have not done this, they must support it, right?
All good people certainly have denounced I agree. Yes, since not a single protest was made by any Muslim group or country/society those societies and religious leader are clearly supporting terrorists. Not all people, not majority but those who dominate and govern such societies/countries/religious communities. If they can protest globally against cartoon and not protest at all against terrorists who are as some claim "abusing Islam" than they are indisputably supporting terrorists.
mcdenife wrote:But all this is irrelevant. How many times (if any) have you, manchild, gone out to protest against, I know I haven't and I dont have to.
Many, many times, risking my life and future but that's another story not belonging to this topic.
mcdenife wrote:So tell me, if this does not imply I support terrorism, why should it imply a muslim(s) does? Almost every country (if not all) has denounced these attacks/terrorists etc. but you choose to single out, not only what you call "Islamic Countries", but moslems as whole. Did you hear or were you even listening?
Oh c'mon. That's like saying that Lebanon government has nothing to do with Hammas. If a government isn't capable to control what goes on its territory than it should declare state of emergency, ask UN for help, whatever.
Saddam called his regime as democratic. There were ellections, he won always. How relevant is form relative to essence. It is absolutely not important what some says but what that someone does. When I say Islamic countries I have in mind those who dominate and govern such societies/countries. Most of their citizens are victims of such regimes and minority that supports them.
mcdenife wrote:The Danish/French cartoons depicted Mohammed as a terrorist. The 'mulahs' (some the mad kind) denounced this depiction of Mohammed and the implication that muslims are terrorist, as an insult to muslims and Islam. Muslims took to the streets across the globe in protest. Admittedly most did not see the cartoon or even know what they were protesting about, just that their 'mulahs' said someone (or somethin) had insulted them. Regardless, they came out in numbers to tell you they are not terrorists. Did you hear them?
Those protest were orchestrated by Islamic clergy worldwide. Did you ever read a Danish newspaper? How on earth could Danish newspaper get in the hands of Muslims worldwide and upset them? All of those who protested against Danish newspaper have seen with their own eyes how jets hit WTC, why didn't they protest? Terrorists said they're doing it in the name of Islam. Why didn't they protest against such "insult" which is officially considered to be much greater insult than cartoon?
mcdenife wrote:Without even looking at that site, even my ignorant self, knows that, with the exception of Iran and possibly libya, None of those countries you listed
are Islamic countries. Most are not even muslim countries let alone Islamic countries. Do you know the difference?
I think you've mixed the difference you're mentioning. You consider that Islamic countries are only those in with Shariat law. It is not so. All countries from the list are Islamic but only Saudi Arabia and Iran have Shariat law (perhaps some other country too).
In general, I've raised my voice against organized religion incorporated in society and system aimed against great majority of its own population and against whole free world. I've clearly stated several times that I'm not generalizing each and every person and abusive systems and societies are not representing each and every citizen.
Those who equalize whole nations, ethnicities or religions with current country system/society are at first tyrants and dictators who always hide behind nation to justify their politics. I'm trying to say that it is bad if we do the same and consider attack on such system/society as an attack on people living in such system.
It is completely opposite - people living in such system are the first victims of such system/society and attacking such system/society is for their good as much as it is for the good of foreigners endangered by such system/society.
So, if we agree that most of the population in Islamic countries suffers than tolerating the system/society in which they suffer is not the way to show how you're not equalizing them with the system/society.
Please allow the possibility that there's more than one way to be objective/tolerant/humane instead of considering that regimes in Islamic countries reflect the true will of the majority and that since it is so raising voice against such system/society is offending all Muslims because it isn't. It is offending only aggressive adult male minority that supports such system/society and they should be offended.