xpensive wrote:For crying out loud, call Ciro an administrator, principal or whatever, but all I suggested was that when he sees a new thread about the color of Hamiltons underwear on the Forum, he should simply delete it and send the moron a reprimand.
And whenever he finds the same Forum boooring, he should utilize his infinite wisdom to come up with yet another intriguing thread for us mere mortals to enjoy.
Swedes are dyslexic by genetic default, we are also suicidal and kleptomanical.
All right, all right, stop whining. I will do it: no more threads about Hamilton underwear and that's final.
I can be mad with the forum, I can be happy with the forum, but I swear: I'm never bored with it. You've probably known women that have that kind of influence on us, if you follow my drift.
I'm retaking (slowly) my duty as "intriguing threads creator". Blame my lack of duty fulfillment on good bussiness, sorry: I think (in my infinite wisdom) that is better to be rich than poor. Anyway, thanks a lot for your kind words, x, I'll slow my pace making money and will invest some time in friends.
I think your dislexy is slight. However, I can understand your predicament: I imagine how hard is learning to talk in languages composed mainly of vowels, not counting the diet of surströmming.
Nonwithstanding this (and anyone who has smelt surströmming will recognize our generosity), we acknowledge the immense contribution of Swedish people to humankind (legal porn) and their even larger contribution to the Internetkind (The Pirate Bay), so, Sven Gustav, we will follow dutifully your suggestions.