JV never truly out performed Damon Hill at Williams in 96. Hill was definately in the right place at the right time....but then so was Jacques. I'm a fan of Hill...he was good...very good, but no GREAT. And Jacques was nothing compared. Then he wins WDC in 97....big deal, the williems that year was even more dominate then in 1997, it just didn't seem quite so good cos JV and HHF was drving it, even HHF got a few decent performances in the bag. Then williams lost pace in 1998 and it went downhill for both of them. He goes to BAR and tries to do a Schumi.....thing is Schumi pulled it off at Ferrari cos:
1. He was respected at Benetton and so brought some Key Players with him
2. He has good people management skills
JV has/had neither of these. He couldn't bring any solid prove key backroom people with him from Williams cos nobody really liked him and nobody really thought we was great (like schuey). And secondly the grumpy sod has the WORST team personel management skills imaginable...he likes annoying people. He comes to sauber and in ONE DAY asks for the antenna's on the nose to be moved, asks for the steering wheel to have its layout changes, wants only one gearshift paddle and then wants the windsheild made bigger by 2mm.....HOW TRIVIAL CAN YOU GET?!
Neway...at BAR he does sod all.....he leaves and suddenly the team moral picks up and they start really performing. Comes back at Renault and can't keep up, now in the Sauber he can't even keep it on the road. What ever he had in 97 he has now lost. Face it Jacques....you're getting old.
He was good, not a great like his dad...just good. But even thats gone now...he's just getting too old for this game. He's past his peak. Schumi certainly isnt, DC's proving at RBR he certainly isnt, Fisi is also showing he's still got pace with a bit of experience. JV however has lost it. He peaked early in his career....he is now old. He should retire at the end of this year and look back at some of the better days in his career in the states and in 97....
....Bus Pass anyone??? lol