Tim.Wright wrote:SectorOne wrote:Stats are good for facts. Things you can quantify. Like, who´s the most succesful. easy. Schumacher is by far the most succesful.
Or who´s fastest of the two teammates, who´s done the best job this season etc.
I'd strongly disagree there. Stats are not good for demonstrating anything. You can "prove" almost anything you want by choosing the right stats. Its been shown numerous times on these boards even.
Incomplete stats can be used to fool some people into believing almost anything. Complete stats, however, cannot be used that way. If you compare two drivers by looking at their points, there is only one possible outcome of that comparison. The driver with more points will always come out on top. What happens a lot is that people search for arguments to exclude certain results and then they compare the points. Then it is possible to change the order, but only because the stats are incomplete. Another thing that occurs is that people choose not to look at the points, but other things like fastest lap, qualifying, number of wins and so on. If your favourite isn't in front on one, you simply emphasize something else. But it is possible to be objective and acknowledge the fact that fastest lap and qualifying doesn't really mean anything unless it's reflected in the points. The competitors are trying to do as well as possible in the competitions, not in the forum polls. Then it's most natural to me that their performance is also evaluated based on the actual criteria of the competition. Points matter. Qualifying doesn't matter, except that it influences the points somewhat.
For motorsport its even worse. Like I said before, you have the car factor but also strategy, weather, rule changes, collisions, important changes of personel etc.
So if you try to account for all these factors, aren't you still looking at stats? I think everyone agrees that Alonso is most probably a better driver than Massa. But how can we say that if we don't rely on the stats? In the end of the day, I really don't see that you would have any information at all about driver performance if you remove all the stats.
SectorOne wrote:But the best? There´s no numbers in the world you can really legitimately lean on for that. It´s really about knowledge and visuals at the end of the day.
You need to know the back story and you need to see the Quali/Race yourself to get a nice big picture and then give your opinion on that.
The best? Every discussion I've ever seen on this has never even reached a consensus on what "the best" actually means.
That is very true. But I would like to ask SectorOne, who claims that it's all about knowledge and visuals: What type of knowledge are you talking about? How can you know that one driver is better than another if this isn't reflected in the stats?
The way I see it, it's not about knowledge at all. It's all about feelings and nothing more. If your feelings tell you that one driver is better than another, you will automatically, probably both consciously and unconsciously, try to justify your feeling and look for information that support it, while you will be less likely to accept information that points in the oposite direction.