Formula One And The Environment

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Re: Formula One And The Environment


It is a total non issue IMO. As has been mentioned every time this topic rears it's head - the amount of impact for F1 in the real world is bugger all.

The numbers of people on the planet will rise in our lifetimes to some enormous figure - the amount of resource burned to heat and light these people, at a basic level, will dwarf the entire history of motorised racing.

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Re: Formula One And The Environment


The environmental angle F1 is taking now is completely an image excersise.

Unlike other sports, F1 NEEDS sponsorship money in very large amounts just to exist. And these day's the few large companies capable of injecting this cash all have public images to worry about and being green is currently the fashionable thing to be.

Therefore if F1 wants to survive, they need a green image too.

If they really cared about the environment, they wouldn't be racing.

On the Greenpeace protest, I didn't have a massive problem with it. They didn't actually interfere with anything. They didn't affect the running of the race, and the succeeded in raising awareness about this arctic drilling issue (I had no idea about this until yesterday). It wasn't your typical mindless protest where some knobs cause a rucus and claim they are fighting against all the injustice from big business and politicians and blah blah.. They came, they had a single well defined cause, some cool remote control banners the planted a couple weeks ago, they got their point across, then got kicked out.

For the record I'm not necessarily a Greenpeace sympathiser. Just calling it as i see it.
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Re: Formula One And The Environment


wesley123 wrote:
SectorOne wrote:
wesley123 wrote:150 x 22 = 3300 x 3 = 9900. So that is around 10000kg of fuel per race weekend. Do that times 20 and you'll get 200000kg of fuel per race year. Then we still have to add fuel used with testing. Resources used to build the cars. Oh and the fuel all those huge airplane use as well as the team trucks. Oh, and then we also need to add the resources used every race weekend.
And it´s still much less then a two-way trip from Tokyo to New York...
That is true. It still is less than that trip. But still, Formula 1 is a big market and they consume a lot of fuel every year, which can easily be reduced and have a big effect on image as well as the environment(but mostly the sport it's image).
Also true.

However when you realize there´s about 90,000 flights per day, all this environmental stuff aimed at F1 is frankly ridiculous.
When airplanes and oil tankers start running on other fuels then we can start pointing at motorsport.

I do understand it helps motorsport stay relevant (or as is) with the green thing. People say oh we don´t need that, it burns fuel then F1 can say we have done this and this and this to reduce our footprint.

One day full of fuel for the travel industry would be enough to sustain F1 for 90,000 years... Just one day.
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Re: Formula One And The Environment


That's why these green engines annoys me. Why not sell the new engine concept on efficiency instead of just using green. F1 will never be green. But technologies developed in F1 could help the automotive industry to become greener.
You said what I said. Only gooder! :mrgreen: =D>
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Re: Formula One And The Environment


wesley123 wrote:
bjpower wrote:this "green F1" annoys the hell out of me. no other sport is asked to be green.
how come soccer does not have to be green?
Because soccer doesn't have 22 cars burning fuel 70 days in a year. Also soccer doesnt need those huge airplanes to move the freight between tracks/homebases over 100 times a year.

Also soccer doesn't require a large in house facility to create parts out of materials.
during a race they burn through 150kg of petrol. that's what 3 normal car tanks. its not really a hell of a lot.
150 x 22 = 3300 x 3 = 9900. So that is around 10000kg of fuel per race weekend. Do that times 20 and you'll get 200000kg of fuel per race year. Then we still have to add fuel used with testing. Resources used to build the cars. Oh and the fuel all those huge airplane use as well as the team trucks. Oh, and then we also need to add the resources used every race weekend.

how many soccer fans fly/drive to a game every weekend ? oh sometimes on Wednesdays there are matches too?

I'm not saying its carbon neutral but no other sport has to put up with this crap.
200000kg of fuel would do what in reality?maybe power 4000 cars for a week

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Re: Formula One And The Environment


Like I said above, its an image thing. Nothing more nothing less.

People see cars racing around tracks burning fuel for fun
Said racing cars also need bucketloads of money to run
No sponsor with that amount of money want to be associated with such a wasteful image

Solution: Appear green > obtain currency > go racing
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Re: Formula One And The Environment



Each little dot is a commercial aircraft.
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Re: Formula One And The Environment


I think Tim Wright has a pretty good handle on this. =D>
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Re: Formula One And The Environment


SectorOne wrote:

Each little dot is a commercial aircraft.
Wow that is so cool