The source for 2010 (Double diffuser year) is Race Car engineering issue with the RB7 were newey says that 2010 cars had enormous downforce and that blown diffuser 11' cars where able to almost claw back all downforce lost.
As for lap times, please pay attention that in 2004 qualifying lap times were done with fuel for a full stint. So save for maybe a few ones, the 2004 qualyfing times are still unbeaten.
Just have to look at G's rating now..Turn 8 in instabul used to be a 5,5G+ corner in 2006 and is "only" 4,7G's this year.
But no doubt seamless transmission and all suspension progress as well as throttle and engine maps are more efficient now.
I also reckon downforce vs attitude (braking, accelerating, with yaw etc..) is much more constant now.
Still if i recall correctly the 2005 downforce clampdown was following complains of drivers having to endure too high g's.