Why all the bashing to Vettel?

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Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


Pup wrote:
notApineapple wrote:Do you know what we don't need?
Someone taking this thread too seriously, injecting it with name calling and foul language, and then complaining that the thread is beneath the longstanding dignity of a forum he only joined a few months ago?

That. I suspect that is probably what we don't need.

If you don't like a thread, then report it to the mods. Otherwise ignore it. Simple.
His post might have not been the nicest and quite contradicting really, but he does have a point.

With this continuing increase of these "general" talks about which driver is best blah blah blah you pretty much invite trolls and fanboys onto here. Then this forum pretty much gives the trolls free reign by disabling the rating system on the parts where the trolls are active.
"Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender