Willis gone?

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Joined: 11 Apr 2004, 23:29
Location: London, England, UK


ginsu wrote:Y'know, David Richards always had a real presence about him, and there were consequences with him if things didn't go right. With DR there was accountability. He really played the part well with Jenson too, and I know Jense and DR didn't get along too well, but hey, look how well they were doing then. Do you think Jense is happy now? He looks more upset and deflated than ever, I don't think he really believes in the car, and I think his confidence with the team is slipping.

Nick Fry has no conviction, he will say whatever he needs to say. Willis has very little presence, there just seems to be no driving force with the team. I like Gil, but he doesn't seem to have the effect I would like him to have.

But, I have to say it, I knew this would happen when they sacked DR. People loose faith when they loose a leader. DR was a great leader, I think he's on par with Flavio personally, and we'll see what he can do with ProDrive in F1 real soon.
I totally 100% completely agree. Oh and I think your right too :lol: .

DR really did have some drive, passion, will-to-win. Obviously Fry wants to win, but he doesnt have that verve, or passion.

As for jenson i think your right, okay he and DR had a falling out after buttongate one. But to me Jens does look deflated, kinda like he's realised after Buttongate I & II, he's committed himself to the long-term, with a team that are going nowhere, now THAT has to be deflating. maybe in the future they will get some wins, some success, but with Nick Fry at the reigns I can't see it happening.

They need someone with passion, verve, drive and entusiasm, someone who speaks their mind, gives credit when its due, and a bollocking when nessecary! And seeing as DR is entering with prodrive there are only two candidates that fit the bill and are free to join:

1. Eddie Jordan (who, quite nicely, has experience of working with Honda)
2. Paul Stoddart

Both of them have run teams on a tight budget. Would be interesting to see what they could do at the helm of a major manufacturer!
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