I've used this as an example before, but Alonso was "brake testing" Michael every corner at Monza last year. He would brake early so he could balk MS and get a faster run out of the corner.
MS did the exact same thing in Monza 04.
Red flag is shown on all marshals’ posts and drivers are informed about it by radio instantly. If all drivers behind Alonso were able to see the red flag than Schuey was supposed to see it too. You absolutely can’t blame Alonso for driving too slow under red flag – that is EXACTLY what is expected of driver when under red flag!Tp wrote:Safety? It's either overtake the cars or crash into them because Alonso is driving so god dam slow. Too slow in fact. Even the BMW behind is ready to overtake.
We’ve seen how “parked” looks like in Monaco. Doornbos wasn’t even on the racing line – he was entering right U turn from the right side of the track. As mini 696 said – brake testing with no crash is no offence but part of the driving style used by all drivers.Tp wrote:If you watch, Alonso breaks, turns, then instead of accelerating slows down further up to a point where Doornbus who is accelerating through the corner nearly collides with Alonso who's parked on the apex.
I’m sorry but you’re basing you opinion on impression you get from video while overtaking under red flag is something so explicit that allows no space for judging not even to FIA marshals and stewards. There is no “why he did it”, no explanation, he did it – end of story for all FIA personnel on track. Trying to justify multiple overtaking under red flag is equal to attempt to justify attempt of multiple homicide in the court of law. Potential victims are not the villain – the villain is the one who puts them in danger.boban-mk wrote:From this i can see that you didn't watch that incident or you are blind or brain blinded. Sory but you are not out of reality, you are much more.
Other thing that you write is not wort to comment. All i can say that truth always hurt the most. From the first video that you didn't seeand from the second when you realize the great idea of Alonso to brake that almost get hit by BMW so Schumacher had to pass them.
Yes, that is reality and I know you are hurt, that your idol is not that perfect as you imagine.
Unrespeced by whom? I think that “unrespected of all in F1 history” is a position taken for eternity by the driver that holds rest of the all time records. I guess that is why Schuey has fewer sites of his supporters than there are sites of F1 fans that dislike him.boban-mk wrote:Not all people in the world are blind. Those are two of many reasons why your champion is unrespected of all in F1 history. And if you know how many supporters he has outside of Spain don't get supprised.
Schuey run into Albers – not vice versa. He was “punished” with official reprimand by FIA and he even confessed he caused the accident. Just compare penalty Alonso was given for incident with no crash with “official reprimand” Schuey got for causing big crash forcing both of them to switch to T cars.gcdugas wrote:Wasn't it Dornbos that Schumi ran into in China last year? Or was that Albers?.
Did you watch carefully. First he breaks, almost stops, then watch carfully last second of video. After MS pass him he step on the gass immediately.Tom wrote:That was a silly move by Alonso, he shouldn't have slowed so much so suddenly, but I don't think it was purposely to get MS in trouble.
where is the video posted?boban-mk wrote:Did you watch carefully. First he breaks, almost stops, then watch carfully last second of video. After MS pass him he step on the gass immediately.Tom wrote:That was a silly move by Alonso, he shouldn't have slowed so much so suddenly, but I don't think it was purposely to get MS in trouble.
I can't believe how stuppid MS was in that situation.
I believe it was Imola, but I agree Alonso was braking early. But it was during the race, and it was a strategy to keep Schumacher behind him. I wasn't really "brake checking", it was just early braking.mini696 wrote:I've used this as an example before, but Alonso was "brake testing" Michael every corner at Monza last year. He would brake early so he could balk MS and get a faster run out of the corner.
MS did the exact same thing in Monza 04.
In that race, Alonso braked way too early and it was commented on at the time. In that same race he did exactly the same thing to schuey towards the end of the race. the teams and the drivers commented on it but did not take it further. However Alonso was warned both by the race stewards and the gpda. You cant accuse schu fans of a blind defence of 'their driver' and then do exactly the same when it comes to alonsoAlonso did what?!
I clearly remember that race. Coulthard seamed to have forgotten to brake or his brakes failed. Just check the amount of speed he had and try applying that to slow left chicane. Alonso did absolutely nothing wrong. Coulthard never complained and Alonso was never questioned by stewards.
What we see now are attempts of Ferrari fans to present Alonso as "dirty driver" in order to justify their bellowed Schuey. Like "every driver is dirty so what if Schuey is too?”. Sorry, but not a single driver is as dirty as Schuey and such attempts just won't pass.
If Alonso had such reputation it would be known before youtube “experts” started watching old videos in 2006. You can’t start artificially building someone’s reputation. Fans, media and FIA officials weren’t blind than and if Alonso was playing dirty it would be noticed and spoken about when it happened.
What Schueydid in his career was noticed ASAP and no one was making him looking dirty starting from 2006. His moves were noticed and commented when they happened by TV commentaries, media and fans – Alonso’s weren’t because they didn’t exist.