Pesonally, I don't buy it!
WCC means a lot for any team. Just remember China '05, when Renault had brought out the E-spec engine, which gave both FA & GF extra revs and more power, and was designed to last only that one race. They care about every single point!
I think that, if true, they are just the complaints of a man who is beginning to act more and more like a baby.
Here is a full story: ... 27,00.html
BTW, I need some clarification. In case of FA winning the WDC, what are the numbers which will be carried by McLaren (1 & 2)? Also, in case MS wins the WDC, what number will Massa get (I'm assuming that Massa will end up with more points, but I can't see him getting #1). So,what will it be? Zero?