Principessa wrote:
All the teams tested this week indeed, but Spyker will only do so in January! I think it's odd as they have a lot of work to do with the new car (as a 'new' team)! I don't quite understand why they aren't testing, as they need it
The problem is probably that the Ferrari engine wouldn’t fit in this year car without major work that they can’t (or prefer not to) afford, so have to wait for the new one.
Toyota engine probably isn’t available anymore, it depends by what kind of contract they had (till end of season or till end of year), but it seems to me that the relationship between the two parts didn’t end well.
Timstr wrote:
Pretty unusual at this stage,
but McLaren were testing today with rear wing supports similar to the RA106 and F248.
It looks like in the central part there are sort of vortex generators on the suction side.
And also the front wing has a pretty interesting feature regarding the nosecone mounts
[IMG:150:128] ...[/img]