D wrote:bhallg2k, I don't know if you got this in the US but over here in the UK, ITV showed Raikkonen leaving the circuit with his manager around the time for the first round of pitstops. So yeah, he's just too damn cool for school. My question is, where's Michelle Yeoh? Ha~
Ciro, sorry to interrupt your Latin celebration but aren't you forgetting that new guy (from Hertfordshire - woohoo!) named L. Hamilton, who only happen to be LEADING THE WDC.

You don't interrupt it. I was sorry for the people from London-shire, so I dare not to mention this:
Last time I checked, Mr. Hamilton was perhaps the most latin, non-brazilian driver in the grid. He was born (by an ironic mistake, if you ask me

) in UK, but he is definitely a caribbean person, specifically from Trinidad and Tobago. He is a tad dark to represent the prototypical Button-ish englishman, in case you haven't noticed. These kind of driving genes only develop when you dance a little reggae, some samba or follow a steel-band!

I "blame it" on the "little things" that D, RH1300S or bhallg2k mention.
I have the quaint notion that science is good for building cars, but to drive them, self confidence and precission are not enough: you need a little magic, a little exuberance of feelings. I believe you have to enjoy driving in a way that most latinos are unable to figure out how Kimi gets. He always seems p*ssed off to my "untrained eye", even after winning; he does not seem to be precisely "bouncing off walls". As a minimum, that's boring, man. I'm not the first one (starting by several important people at Ferrari) to suggest Mr. Raikonnen to "loose himself" a bit.
Manchild, in name of heaven: who could colombian fans root for before JPM? Argentinian or brazilian drivers. BTW, half of argentinian F1 drivers have italian surnames. Bonomi, Bucci, Daponte, De Tomaso, Estéfano, Fangio, Fontana, Mazzacane... ring any bells?
Yours truly,
Siro Pavone