your very last sentance makes a lot of sense for me.
That's one thing i love at F1, always changing, so new rules are not always bad, it makes each year different for the other.
As for the rest, i'll agree that more action on track is needed and okay drivers still want to compete, but i think they are fully aware of the nature of competition in F1.
In interviews they say it clearly that have to make a good start, having a good strategy, yet they want to pursue in F1, why do you think? somewhere this should be very interesting, and quite different.
But i understand this is not your point of view, well i think because F1 is changing everytime, there're 1 million of points of view don't you think?
As for my wish list the 2011 one is okay to me.
But let me commentate precisely yours:
- single race engines again; preserving the engine after the second pit stop kills the racing. not least that changing engine regs kill the cost savings regardless.
That's quite okay to me.
- ban refuelling. pit to change tyres, sure, but drop all this "win the race in the pits" crap.
Here i differ, for two points. First if you ban refuelling you ban most of the strategy affair in a F1 race, that same strategy that allowed ferrari to be back on track on the french GP because Hamilton did have a bad fuel strategy.
Also if you want to prevent "pass in the pit" allowing tyres changes will still do the same!
- let the teams have whatever RPM limit they want, but restrict fuel tank size. let engine development focus on efficiency. within this i like the idea of allowing the teams to run whatever engine configuration they want.
I'm with you there.
- ban max and co talking about restricting aerodynamic development. get real. the cars run too fast and this is the pinnacle. it's impossible to police.
From a race point of view, yes, i think trying to slow down F1 cars is non sense, and banning aeros performance won't allow to have the same speeds. hopefully this is not quite the goal of the future regulation despite a reduction on maximum downforce for 2009 then 2011.
- shift the focus from cutting costs in racing to shifting costs to elements slightly transferable to road use. the top teams will always spend more, accept it.
I agree there also with a slight revised form: Focus on road revelance so that were racing costs are high they are of any longer term use.
The "top teams spend more" is quite correct imho, we're in an ultra competitiveness world.
- legalise customer engines/chassis. weaker $ teams should be able to save on development, the top teams will never, ever buy chassis from other top teams.
Now, yes, Super aguri did it more or less legaly and it pays.
- up the available mechanical grip. bring back slicks.
Yes that's quite logical, cars are about tyres in contact to the ground.
F1 is a different car but still one, so both mechanical and aero grip should be increased(in efficiency at least).
- limit testing. encourage it freely on fridays when fans otherwise turn up to watch not much.
Yes for a spectacle goal, that would be good for sure.
I think in fact the trend for more mutual testing is good.
I mean all teams having tests at the same place, same day is quite good.
- ban paying drivers.
What do you mean?
- forget parc ferme, agree with prior comments.
Well i don't think parc ferme does a lot of dammage to racing.
- ban tc. without tc, with the aero grip currently available and even with slicks, no tc makes life difficult. if the '11 engine regs come in they'll be torqey bastards... harder to control.
Here i differ, as i said, modern F1 is easier to master, but allows for more performance where each small increment results in a driving technique ultra developped.
TC should be banned only if it prevent the drivers to use a driving technique like for example ABS would prevent drivers to do threshold braking.
By the way, next year at least, no TC.
- current tyre rules are ---. motogp runs a good example. currently the need to use both types in a race is a bit of a gimmick.
I don't like the tyres this years cause there's less grip wich make overtaking sometimes harder but the two types rule is interesting this be changed soon i hope.
The one manufacturer rule is okay for now, but i hope it won't last too much.
I added my 2 cents to yours.