Cool, Mr. T.
I'm glad Tom mixed the user names, if only to know your (great!) background.
I can identify with mx_tifosi tempo. It's the story of my life...
There is something I find extremely useful about participating in ANY forum, besides learning english grammar:
- you learn to read, but
you also learn to write about anything "in a page", in a way that "makes people think". If you don't, your posts get few answers or none.
you learn to behave with some civility in a really mixed environment.
At least in my case, Principessa has not "tamed" me in ages,
which surprises me. I imagine her own "tempo": I wish she could teach us more about how to write interesting and kind things, or better yet, as neutral as possible.
On the other hand, forums without conflicting IDEAS are boring or short lived. I wish for Belatti to become more "Manchildish"!
We miss Manchild "stubborn style" and his "go for the throat" approach... even if some member come here to stir things around a little in a "classical latin american way". (Hey, way to go, Belatti, in the footsteps of JPM and Senna!
The fine line that divides the conflict of ideas from the conflicts among people is, well, as Tom and Mr. T short conversation shows clearly, many times a matter of how good you are to express yourself,
how able are you to make the conversation "stirred and not shaken".
if some guest is reading this, I say to him: post, man (or woman). You may feel like a pariah some times in the beginning, but you will learn a lot and not only about F1. Who knows, you may have something to say before you die...