Ciro Pabón wrote:
3. Now, I discover that the "DOWNLOAD MANAGER NOT DETECTED??" message is turned on. Funny. I check the documentation at Damn. The answer is like three pages long.
After 10 minutes reading and fumbling, it's dawning upon me that things have changed since FF ver 1, now you have to have a separated Download Manager program. Funny, as FF ver 2 has one, integrated. So...
4. I try to find a Download Manager in the "Download Managers" category for FF AddOns.
Strangely, in the first page of results, there is not one. Shut. Second page. Not one either. Third page. Finally, I found the old "Download StatusBar" that I had with FF 1.
I check the options in "FlashGot" contextual menu: double shut. Download StatusBar is not included. It seems the damn thing needs an external manager program.
Sorry, I can't stand it anymore. Fifteen minutes and I'm far from finishing. So...
5. Buy or find a download manager. This manager has to be included in the list you'll see when you right click on a photo and chose "FlashGot Options" and then "More options", like this: