Belatti wrote:If I found myself in such situation, Manchild, (Earthquake, fire, car wreck, disease), and wouldn´t take precautions (sign of weakness), I would admit my weakness and (ashamed) would ask for charity.
Nietzsche applied his philosophy on real life not on theory. It was the way he explained what he saw around him and that was soulless. He wasn't old, he was 47 when he became ill - unwillingly. That's 6 years less than what Luigi Fagioli had when he won his first F1 GP. He considered himself an ubermensch before life proved him wrong. That why his philosophy is not just incomplete but also inapplicable since it lack universality.
Precaution from vulcano? It erupts where it never existed and burns your town, what's the precaution for that, being constantly paranoid that anything can happen anytime and live in DEFCON 1 24/7 without sleep and any other activity? Same goes for fire that was started by someone else. Car wreck - you drive new expensive ultra safe and due to manufacturing error steering joint breaks and you crash, what could you do as an precaution? Disease, genetically inherited diseases - what precaution can you do?
I think that you're overlooking unwilling exposure to situations when person gets in need for help (what you define as weak).
As for doctors you mentioned. Good brain surgeon makes how much in US, a million per year? Even better brain surgeon in some third world country makes 5000$ per year and is "in need" since that's not enough money to provide family decently. So he was a good kid, studied, became respected professional and he is "weak" relative to US surgeon based on what he missed to do? Be born in a different country and predict how the future will look 20 years after he was born? Put that same "strong" US surgeon in the shoes of previously mentioned one and he becomes "weak" instantly and vice versa.
That's the essence. If some is really, essentially "weak" than he is "weak" everywhere, anytime and that isn't the case due to unwilling situations people find themselves in. Were all those thousands of victims of 9/11 attack "weak" because they didn't take "a precaution"? What would that require, everyone having their personal intelligence agency and air defense system?