The most hated man in Formula 1

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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


Actually it's his unfounded arrogance that I dislike about him.

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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


I do not see why bringing up a gossip issue qualifies someone as troll as long as the post is in the right forum. People should reflect a bit more before they make such personal criticism, in my view.

Picking up an issue from somewhere else is also legitimate. But I agree, it is bad style to quote an article and make it look like your own contribution.

Lewis Hamilton is probably a long way from generating so many bad feelings as Michael Schumacher did when he hogged the winning from 2000-2004. If McLaren get the 2009 car right there could be a chance that he gets into a similar winning streak. As Mike Gascoyne says 2009 lap times could have a much bigger spread than we see now and the top team or teams could be really dominant.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Joined: 12 Aug 2005, 14:36
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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


In my opinion this is a stupid topic and has no place in our forum. Everybody has his own favourite and less-favourite driver, but to dedicate a whole topic on it has no point in my opinion. Topic is closed!