Your right Principessa, it used to be a peaceful forum where people shared information but then Chris joined and he's setting us all straight about what a community is and what a forum should be. Now I don't mean that in a bad way. Maybe he's right. He say's community, I thought that was a bunch of people that contributed to, well the community, kind of a circular concept of 100% efficiency, helping each other out. Could somebody get a dictionary and look it up for me?

Yeah I got one, but only the Curious George types use them. I don't do dictionaries.
Ya know, I bet Chris meant being a monkey in a good way, like all the technician monkeys and research monkeys and engineering monkeys, pretty much anybody who got monkey busy and got an education, you know, the kind of people that can't have concepts but can do the monkey details ... anyways they get monkey busy and do all the detail work for him cause he's got the concepts goin' on and we don't, so
we should just be real happy to do all his work, grateful. I'm sure he didn't mean monkey in a bad way like calling me ... what's that bad word for African Americans that they don't like? Gosh, would somebody see if it's in the dictionary for me?
I read in the paper the other day, a woman dropped her baby into the ape exhibit at the Boston Zoo. It was lying there unconscious. An ape walked over to it. All the people got real tense thinking the big monkey would tear it to pieces, maybe eat it or something. The ape picked it up gently and carried it over to the zoo staff and gave it to them. There was nothing' in it for the big monkey ape, it was kinda useless for the ape to contribute to the humans and Chris says contributing is not necessary. But ya know what? Maybe it's better to be with the contributing monkey apes than standing next to a human being like Chris who only does stuff when there's something in it for him.

Just a monkey thought. Kinda funny
Surprised Chris? That monkeys have a sense of humour? Why almost worthy of being human? I mean that.

In a good way?
Ya know Chris ... when I said here we have an expression - hold up your end - Well you just misunderstood me. I meant here in Canada people do there part, like they do in most places, but from the concepts you got, maybe not in your place. A women from Pennsylvania told me that most of the good men died in the Viet Nam War, maybe she knew something. Where did you get the idea I meant Heaven? And you thought that I thought I meant I was God? I'm just an ordinary anybody, not someone crazy enough or so egomaniacal to think they're God. Where do you get these ideas? Probably a good place. Maybe Almighty Bruce or Oh God with George Burns are your favourite movies? Those are not reality

Just kidding
Lets see if I understand this idea of community and not contributing nothing to it. That sounds kinda like ... lets say 3 guys go out for beers. One guy buys the first round. Every bodies just shooting the BS and havin a good time. The second guy buys a round for everybody, maybe some pretzels too. When it's the third guys turn to buy a round of beers, he pretends to go to the toilet then ducks out the back door so he doesn't have to buy a round of beers
Chris - You want to be that third guy?
This monkey would never want to work for somebody like that. There some things you can't buy with a a paycheck. Like integrity. My people would eat macaroni and cheese every meal before asking me to work for some boss like that.
Maybe I still don't understand your idea of a community and not contributing a thing. Like thats a good thing. Another example. Let's say a new guy moves into the neighborhood. He borrows every bodies tools and picks every bodies brains and everybody goes over to his house and helps him fix up the place. Course he never lends his tools to anybody. Cause hes got all the new stuff. So once hes got all their tools in the garage and the monkey men in the neighborhood have fixed up his house. He sells it at a big profit then moves and takes all the monkey men's tools
Chris - You want to be that guy who steals their tools?
Maybe I got it wrong.
I'm sure you'll have lots to say and just straighten this monkey out