timbo wrote:pgj wrote:At first I was opposed to the idea of a standard engine, but I am warming to the idea.
So, can you imagine something like Ferrari-Cosworth?
I think standart engines is ridiculous. Standart parts of engine, like pistonsm crankshafts may work but I think that manufacturers would oppose idea of standart engine. Why would they want to advertise someone else? Like BMW powered by Judd...
No but Ferrari could still produce their own race engine. You seem to have misunderstood what is being proposed. We are not talking about a badged engine, we are talking about a standard engine specification that manufacturers can produce if they choose.
The situation will not be too far away from the one that existed when Cosworth did provide most of the engines to F1. If manufacturers decide to walk away from F1 then engines will be supplied from another source. That it the way that F1 has always operated.
People are obsessed with manufacturers in F1 at the moment. I have been saying for several years that whilst accepting the present business model for F1, there is no guarantee that it will continue forever. If the model changes, teams and F1 will adapt and survive. This initiative could drastically change the business model and for once, I fully agree with Max.
Using Dawinian principles, F1 has gone off at such a tangent from mainstream motorsport that it is in danger of costing itself into extinction. This proposal will merely bring F1 closer to mainstream motorsport. F1 will always be too extreme to support mass road car developments directly. Although if F1 grasps the opportunity to realign itself with road car R&D technologies it can have a secure and meaningful future.
Williams and proud of it.