Redundant horsepower? Sounds like Ron-speak. Can I get some of the leftovers for my lowly 200SX?Ferarri: 795 BHp
Mercedies: 785 BHp
BMW: 790 BHp
Toyota: 770 BHp
Renault: 755 BHp
Honda: 745 BHp
From what im also led to belive, and was confirmed at Fuji, that the Ferarri has alot of extra (redundant) horspower at the top end, thus making the Ferarri very fast at the end of long straights, as Kimi showed when challenging Robert in the closing stages for 2nd place.
Seriously (though it is SO hard to take any of this seriously!) as someone smarter than me has already " is a favorite here in the US, meaning a very "peaky" engine producing great gobs of power from 18,500 - 19,000 might NOT be as fast over a lap as an engine producing a little LESS power from 15,000 - 18,500.
I hope some of you who have gone much further in your engineering education than I managed will also chime in on factors quite distant from electronics - combustion chamber shape, the impact of exhaust tuning, shape, length, and finish of intake and exhaust tracts, and much more.
Finally, and still trying to be serious, it is quite possible through a variety of non-electronic (not controlled by the ECU) means to tune the same engine to optimize it for Monza (HP uber alles) and then re-tune it to make it a better fit for Monaco. Will the FIA look into THAT as well?
Sigh. When I was more active in racing, making MORE HP was a GOOD thing!