Can you really see BE letting Max destroy his cash cow by not buckling and getting the FOTA teams on side and tied in to 2012 - so with this in mind i think the only new team we will see will be USF1 who were coming in anyway. ProDrive will not come in as its not the £40 mil conditions and they wont make a profit and the rest i really don’t see anyway.
Also there appears to be a tie with Brawns title sponsor (who was not named at Monaco as originally stated) being tied to Ferrari and Malaren being on the grid - they want the kudos of these teams being there. No Ferrari/Malaren - no money, so the same stance as Redbull really.
MadMax may be on a power play, but he wont be president if it comes down to no name teams and Williams, and no Ferrari, Malaren, and (probably WC) Brawn…
With 8 days to go I think we will only see 1 new team, no Max and 2009 rules.
And before the rain of abuse – do I think the idea of the £40 mil cap bad – no, but no one in the teams trust Max to leave the regs alone for 2011 so no chance they will go for it.
I’m not eve so sure of Cosworth. They need to have more than 2 teams to be viable, and I really cant see Ferrari, Mclaren, Toyota make engines if they are racing in a different series.
So no engines – no racing…
Too many cards to play yet to know who will be there in 2010.