We had a thread (including a poll) about mind-enhancing drugs and driving.
Most of the people here (a reassuring 74%) don't do drugs. The other 26% is definitely crazy, as you can quickly notice simply by reading the posts around yours.
A 5% of "F1technicals" uses Ritalin or other attention-disorder drugs (I started the thread because
I thought they are a different kind of drugs that can actually enhance your driving, if only for a while, before they throw you into the asylum).
Another 5% follows Bob Marley and uses marijuana or other "conventional" drugs, definitely for the fun (I suppose) as they won't help you much to take that curve (but they will make it seem beautiful, dude).
Finally, an astonishing 11% don't know how to drive (they are Hamilton fans), so they don't have an opinion on drug use.
I mentioned WADA at that thread. I thought I did not see caffeine among the list of drugs, but you can check the thread, where there is a link that will lead you to The List of Forbidden Substances.
I assume that the list will mention caffeine if it is forbidden (I imagine that a dozen cigarretes of caffeine can do awful things to your nervous central system).
If caffeine is in the list, I guess it would be a kick in the bollocks for Red Bull, I guess. Or perhaps people will buy it if it's forbidden, a sizable percentage of the population is crazy (as I said before)
Did I mention that colombian coffe is the best in the world?
I smell a new bussiness in the air. I think the slogan could be: "Stop and smell the (now forbidden! strongest! directly from Colombia!) coffee." If you're interested in tasting that forbidden substance, give me a call. I even have a plant of coffee in my garden (wink, wink).