thanks for the info !!
I looked at some videos on the internet.
This cars a quite fast, compare with some "real" cars like the WRC Subaru,
sure the low weight helps a lot here.
From the times you posted, it means ~112km/h average speed on this track/hill.
Seeing the inboard videos, and the many corners in combination with the motor bike engine, it means quite a lot of gear changes. That´s why I thought a pedal shift system at the steering wheel may being an advantage, so that so not need to drive with only one hand for most of the time.
Not sure, if such a system would be allowed by the rules.
It was just a thought which crossed my mind, when seeing some of the inboard videos.
Seeing some photos of the front splitter, there is maybe some scope for development/improvements there as well. Compare to the large diffusor and wing at the rear, the front aero/splitter looks very simple.
No diffussor/extractor section in the front splitter?!?
But again, maybe there are some rules against this, so I´m not sure if it´s by choice or forced by the rules.
All in all, it seems to be a nice and interesting category, with some freedom for technical developments without blowing the budget.
Just another thought, which cossed my mind, how about an CVT gearbox?