Shrieker wrote:So mine is an educated guess. If you claim Schumacher has gotten faster then it's a guess too, just like mine.
marcush. wrote:
it´s ok to have sympathy or anti -but do yourself a favour and don´t try to sell your personal views as facts.Mankind is only has just 30% perception of reality you are not alone when admitting you have a blurred view.

Which part didn't you get ? Also, you've completely dodged my questions about 27 y/o Michael vs. 43 y/o one. I'm sure you're more than aware that there are scientific studies related to reaction times vs. age, and about performance of athletes vs. age. Schumacher might've fared better than most of his peers of similar age, but he is no exception; age increases, performace falls.
Raptor22 wrote:
Schumacher always had trouble in qualifying since his comeback but his race pace has always been there.
I always thought this is simply because he is old. With the pirelli tyres they never give it %100 in races. Even Schumacher himself said it felt like driving behind the safety car. He doesn't have to push %100 during the races so it might've actually allowed him to make good use of his vast experience. But when it comes to qualy he has lacked pure pace, with this season being somehwhat of an exception thanks to Rosberg.
snoop1050 wrote:then why when both cars finish the race is rosberg on average 3 finishing positions behind?
rosberg is just fortunate that schumacher had a n unreliable car when it was capable of big points hauls
This has some truth to it. I agree he was unlucky sometimes this season. But as I stated above, he can somewhat make up for lack of pace with experience since he doesn't have to give %100 in race trim. Still, when it came to crunch time (fighting for a win) he couldn't have defeated Rosberg in China even if the car hadn't failed. You also have to take into acount the two times he literally banged other drivers from behind in races. Signs of age me thinks.
Also, from last november:
Shrieker wrote:Schumacher -theoretically- could've been Rosberg's father. You're telling me him being 43 has no adverse effect ? Oh come on... If he's the same driver (which I don't think he is) what made him so successful pre-retirement ? Was it special tyres ? We all know there were times he was clearly driving an inferior car beating others who had better equipment. As much as I dislike the guy, he was a BEAST back in the day. Not so much anymore, while he still has the ability to compete in F1, not nearly as cutting edge as he used to be. He has changed, that's all. Will happen to all of us who are lucky enough to reach that age. When a Ferrari comeback was on the cards, even he himself admitted he didn't have the mental sharpness required at this level. I was a bit puzzled to see him sign with Mercedes after that comment tbh.