Renault Power Unit Hardware & Software

All that has to do with the power train, gearbox, clutch, fuels and lubricants, etc. Generally the mechanical side of Formula One.
Cold Fussion
Cold Fussion
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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


djos wrote:
Cold Fussion wrote:Could you perhaps leave such baseless statements for the general section of the forums and not pollute the technical suggestions as well?
So prove me wrong? Calling my assessment of the situation "baseless" without providing evidence to show that is the case and down-voting my comment is frankly pure hypocrisy!

I used the phrase "sounds like"; that is clearly me stating an opinion and not claiming it is a certifiable fact unlike yourself who clearly professes to have inside info!
Why should I have to prove you wrong? Your assertion is that Renault is too proud to Illmor's design and then go onto imply that it is a ridiculous decision. Their is nothing in that article to suggest that the Illmor design (whatever that even constitutes) was not adopted because of Renault's ego.

I cannot see how you could reasonably come to this opinion based purely off of the information presented in that article, and it rather looks like (especially when one looks at your post in the team thread on the same article) that your open prejudice against Renault prevents you from discussing the merit of the article.

If we are to believe that article, then all we get from it that the next revision of the PU will be a Renault based design because they believe it shows more promise. We don't know any more than that one vague statement.

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


Cold Fussion wrote: Why should I have to prove you wrong? Your assertion is that Renault is too proud to Illmor's design and then go onto imply that it is a ridiculous decision. Their is nothing in that article to suggest that the Illmor design (whatever that even constitutes) was not adopted because of Renault's ego.

I cannot see how you could reasonably come to this opinion based purely off of the information presented in that article, and it rather looks like (especially when one looks at your post in the team thread on the same article) that your open prejudice against Renault prevents you from discussing the merit of the article.
I dont know if English is your first but your comprehension needs work!

1/ I didnt "assert" anything, I speculated that Renault didnt use Mario's work due to pride.

2/ my speculation is based on the tone of Mr. Abiteboul's words - you only need to be familiar with management speak (I work in a bank) to see that Renault is reluctant to use work by an outside contributor. These are classic weasel words:
“On the relationship with Ilmor, I am not saying it has no value. What I am saying is that for the time being, there is nothing proven which will be used in the engine that we will be using.”
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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


Nose up..

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


I expect that there are significant constraints on Time, Tokens, and development resources, as well as presure to deliver an improvement ASAP. If the Ilmor design means a significant change in development path it maybe too costly in terms of Tokens elapsed time. I really hope Renault can deliver a major upgrade soon, improve their performance and regain their Mojo.

Anyone have an idea when the next upgrade is due and how many tokens they will have left?

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


Es ist zu hören, dass Ilmor das Wettrennen gegen die Renault interne Entwicklung verloren hat. Obwohl die Einzylinder-Versuchsreihen gezeigt haben sollen, dass der Ilmor-Zylinderkopf besser ist. Die Entwicklung versprach umgerechnet auf die Rundenzeit angeblich vier Zehntel. Sie wurde von Red Bull bezahlt.
Renault soll argumentiert haben, dass das eigene Projekt mehr Potenzial aufzeige. Doch wer will das beweisen?
In English

Apparently Illmor lost the development battle against Renault eventhought experiments proved that his one cylinder concept is better. The improvement is apparently 4 tenths per lap. Red Bull payed the development. Renaults argument is that their project have more potential. But there is no prove.

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


If what Amus reports is true, i'd imagine Horner's head would explode of anger.

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


WilliamsF1 wrote:
Es ist zu hören, dass Ilmor das Wettrennen gegen die Renault interne Entwicklung verloren hat. Obwohl die Einzylinder-Versuchsreihen gezeigt haben sollen, dass der Ilmor-Zylinderkopf besser ist. Die Entwicklung versprach umgerechnet auf die Rundenzeit angeblich vier Zehntel. Sie wurde von Red Bull bezahlt.
Renault soll argumentiert haben, dass das eigene Projekt mehr Potenzial aufzeige. Doch wer will das beweisen?
In English

Apparently Illmor lost the development battle against Renault eventhought experiments proved that his one cylinder concept is better. The improvement is apparently 4 tenths per lap. Red Bull payed the development. Renaults argument is that their project have more potential. But there is no prove.
Journalist always spouting crap... how do they know this? haha.
Cyril himself said the developments were not proven compared to what they have planned already. What works on one cylinder might not be better on a full engine. I don't think Renault are that thick skulled.

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


Even if what amus says is true (seems exaggerated), Renault are not likely to admit that Ilmor's first design is better than everything Renault have managed for the past 3-4 years!
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bill shoe
bill shoe
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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


After RB sticking their finger in Renault's eye, Renault has decided they have no long-term future with RB. The Illmor experiments were funded by RB, therefore if Renault incorporated the Illmor improvments it would lead to RB having a finger in the Renault pie in the form of I.P., design ownership, etc. RB would not give that away for nothing. So RB have only themselves to blame.

And to be even more negative, I don't see how Renault likes their odds of being championship-level successful against 3 or 4 other mega-funded teams. There's not enough room at the top. It's a lousy-odds gamble of huge amounts of Renault's corporate money.

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


Well to know a lil about details , since i guess renault now takes carefully Illien improving "parts" ..
Not only that, but the "bibitari" imposed as a consultant at Viry Chatillon Mario Illien, the Swiss former engineer of Mercedes, out of the loop of Formula 1 for a few years. The Swiss in November, has worked to remake the combustion chamber and take a larger turbo compressor.

The changes have not been studied in France, but in the AVL in Austria, causing the angry reaction of the technicians Bleus they felt ousted. But the day of reckoning data of bench tests have revealed that the head of Illien was worse than the original Renault. ... edit-text=

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


The next Evolution. singapore?
Figures from the bench on the latest prototype report progress in terms of power by almost 4 to 5%. This would allow to put Renault withing 20 horses to Mercedes instead of approximately 60-80 today.

60 more horses are winning a second a lap, reposition what Red Bull in the wake of the Silver Arrows whether such gains will translate well on track.

Rémi Taffin confirmed that the only big change Renault engine was ready for Russia, perhaps even from Singapore. ... edit-text=

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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


I wonder what sort of agreements were signed between ilmore redbull and renault before mr illmore set to work. Did he show them only test bench numbers or did he reveal all his methods and designs to Renault?

Joined: 15 Aug 2015, 10:44

Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


PlatinumZealot wrote:I wonder what sort of agreements were signed between ilmore redbull and renault before mr illmore set to work. Did he show them only test bench numbers or did he reveal all his methods and designs to Renault?

at first i guess renault gave all datas on what they were working on, Illien prefected paralelly somes parts, and on the test bench it was a draw back!

redbull insisted to put somes "illien best " parts into the 2015 engine as a bigger turbo at the start of the season, unreliabillity decided renault to stop ilien advanture and go further by themselves !

this type of engine is as all engines Technically limited, even for more complex, its limited, withing stupid FIA freeze rules , the today winner isn't automaticly the best car, but the power engine biggest delta, the one who had oportunity to be ahead with time! while the V8 area had years to push to the limit before power equalisation freeze and down the costs, FIA choose to behave against the spirit of this sport , doubling engines cost, no power output equalisation, today somes teams has several financial difficulties !

Mercedes should thx them ..

Cold Fussion
Cold Fussion
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Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


What are you talking about? IIRC the only free year for V8 engine development was 2006, after which the designs were effectively frozen, with rev limits imposed and progressively lowered. In (2008?) the control ECU was brought in which same teams claimed cost them significant performance (BMW).

Joined: 15 Aug 2015, 10:44

Re: Renault V6 Power Unit


Spa lap record , Vettel behind the steering wheel, Renault for the tone