I may get alot of fire for this ( [-o< I hope not ) , but my take is this. We all do things behind closed doors that no one would like to be shown to those who we'd rather not see it. Family, friends, whoever. Max gets his rocks off by roleplaying, so do alot of other people. Some people on this very site may do just that. Yet, it's none of my business what you and your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend do in your own private lives. Hell Maxs' wife may be just fine with him hiring a hooker to satisfy him. No one here knows the truth about that. And no one has proof of the decision between the two, so if that ever comes up no one has a right to say whether it's right or wrong.
Giblet wrote:I want to see the video to see if it is him, but I don't want to potentially see his weiner.
That's the funniest thing I've read so far. Nice one!
Rob W wrote:Just a small side note for all those who like to think Max is a complete pr*** with no redeeming features...
In 1994 when Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger were killed at the San Marion GP he was the only Formula One person who attended Ratzenberger's funeral in Austria, saying, "I went to his funeral because everyone went to Senna's. I thought it was important that somebody went to his."
Even though I dispise Max for a number of reasons, that earned Max alot of respect from me. He did the absolute right thing going to Roland's funeral.
Tomba wrote:
For me there are two serious issues about Max here:
- First, what happened with those women is just wrong, especially considering the nazi uniforms and the relation to it.
- Second, prostitution is not illegal, but considering he is the president of the FIA, it is simply unacceptable. If any minister in Belgium would be uncovered doing as such, he'd be out the next day. At least here they have the decency to draw their conclusions. It would just not be right for him to stay on.
I know I said before that physical abuse is wrong, consensual or not. Don't falme me for what I'm about to say. Hypocritically.

paid those hookers to do what they did. They knew what they were in for, so it's really not an issue. They agreed to fulfill their end of the deal, regardless of what the fantasy was.
I think Max should leave for many reasons, but not this one. His private sex life is just that, his. Not ours to judge. If he wants a clown sex orgy, would everyone want him to be fired for that? I know for a fact that everyone does weird things, and often wrong things, in private that no one wants aired in public. It was an invasion of his privacy and the parties should be punished. This wasn't a police sting. It was someone looking to make some money off the tape, and someone who quite possibly didn't like him.
Remember, do not judge lest you be judged.