techman wrote:They are running more downforce to make up time in the corners to compensate for the loss on the power bits of the track.
what a joke of a statement, i would not be suprised if they ran heavy donwforce in hungary or monaco, but it spa, a power cicruit, look at mercedes aner redbull extremley skinny wiings. then look at william and mclaren both opting for bigger rear wing. and both william and mclaren are not the strongest here, low df configuration is the best way to go in here. mcalren strategy is wrong. dont blame the engine, i wish honda were supplying another team like redbull or TR then you will see how overated the mclaren chassis is. it was bad when the mercedes engine was in its back in 2013 and 2014, so dont blame other when the fault could be with mclaren chassis setup. i hope it rains, then the downforce level mclaren are running will help. but i dont think it will rain;(
I am not blaming Honda here, but i believe the stategy Mclaren has taken with the downforce levels is the right one.
They were P9 yesterday, that is a monumental achievement looking at the troubles they went to last year!!
I was rooting all the way for Mclaren and Button, and gutted for Alonso! So i think they did a good job.
And they have a better racing car than a qualifying car, so hoping for points today.
Look at last year they had even less power, they went with so little downforce they could do nothing to make up in the corners.
The PU this year has improved very much, so they can increase downforcelevels and make up time thru the corners.
I am not saying the chassis is the best, it needs just as much work as the PU does, they need to grow togheter.
But by running enough downforce to make up time in S2 of spa, they compensate for the fast bits.
That is the sector were Red Bull makes the difference, the only thing de RB has is that that chassis is very very efficiënt.
2013 was indeed a horrible chassis, in 2014 not, it was decent given the situation with Mercedes!
2014 was always going to be a hybrid year (pun intended) Merc did not want to give their sercrets to Honda.
Mclaren knew almost nothing of the engine when they designed that chassis.
I think 2013 was a huge mistake, from wich they have learned, and that resulted in a culture change within Mclaren.
2015 was painfull to watch as a fan, but this year, al the BS talks and the blamegame stopped.
And know they are working as a team, so for me they are on the right path to succes.