I think a £100m cap for 2010 would have been welcomed by all teams followed by progressively smaller budgets till 2013 (down to £60m)...to allow the teams time to scale down the workforces etc through natural wastage + fewer compulsory redundancies. And none of these technical sweetners would be needed. Which is going to lead to a 2-tier formula.
I don't think a 2-tier F1 is the right solution, I think it just smacks of FIA bullying. Do it our way or go away, but if they p1ss off Ferrari enough to move to LeMans etc then they will regret it as love or hate them their fan base is HUGE.
By setting a budget level that some teams simply cannot meet in 7 months time is divisive, it's another weapon to split up FOTA. As the littler teams will have to go for it but the bigger teams can't hope to make it without sacking 70% of their workforce in an economic downturn - think, FIA, just for once, about the people employed at these firms...
There is no move made to make the cars more environmentally friendly - they could make a rule that x% of the car has to recyclable, or ban pneumatic valve trains to reduce RPM's and conserve fuel...but no...again the FIA give out the wrong message.
In summary this is not about good racing, it's about muscle flexing. FIA is trying to break up FOTA and show who the boss is. But an F1 without big teams and big names is GP2, and who watches that? (Yes you lot might but I'm talking about the big picture
