ISLAMATRON wrote:It is sad that you are grouped in with the ignorant fools from your country that have behaved so rudely towards Hamilton and his family in Spain
Well, you don't know Miguel, I think, because you're being a tad unfair with him. No one can control idiots completely, you can teach them something, at most.
At least, around here, as long as they don't get rude, we don't have any other solution but to allow idiots (me included) to bray. I only edit insults and nothing else. I ask all of you (I beg you) to think twice before putting together in the same basket people of any race or
It's ilogical to kill killers (you would have to suicide after that!). Same goes for complaining that "all people from YYYY are racists".
I'm pretty sure that
the dislike of some spaniards about Hamilton is not related to what he is, but how he behaved. I don't know if you
share that point of view, but surely you can
understand why. Just imagine how some fans would feel toward, I don't know, Nakajima, for example, if he went into McLaren and, afterwards, Hamilton, our respected WDC, were expelled from the team after some racing incidents with him and (in my very personal opinion) bravely denouncing his team for lack of sportmaship. BTW, many people thinks that, given Alonso's performance this year, that gesture costed him this year championship. Simple to understand.
Precisely at the Brazilian GP Alonso went to Macca's garage and congratulated Hamilton. He shook Hamilton by the hand and said "well done, well done", while the Briton responded: "Thank you mate" and clasped Alonso on the shoulder.
You're asking for "idiot control": I think that's Alonso's and Hamilton's answer to your fair request. Better than that, I fail to imagine what can be done. If you have any other ideas about what can be done with "imprudent people", please PM me: lately, I'm in need of a few...