Raptor22 wrote:No personal sponors.
They have relaxed this slightly. Hamilton for example has Reebok on his bill. Having said that, it will be interesting to see how Reebok and Puma work out sponsoring the same driver!
SiLo wrote:On a more car related note, is it me or is the car very good on it's tyres now? Or is that all in the setup?
Actually, I don't know if it's just me, but the car seems to be hurting its tyres more (relative to the competition) on low fuel, on more point & squirt circuits. See Singapore, and Hockenheim - while we saw Lewis in neither case, Button (who took P2 in both, incidentally) had tyre trouble towards the end of the race. Seems fine in all other scenarios though.
Nando wrote:Button has proven to take care of tires when car is in shape.
Perez has so far in F1 driven a car that is extremely gentle on its tires.
You have the top teams then Sauber is alone at the top.
Judge Perez after a couple of races in the Mclaren.
I know this opinion isn't a popular one, but I still am not a Perez believer.