garygph wrote:[...]
I was just wondering if in their quest for wear rates etc they have now have a compound that is not good at all with cut resistance and hence the problems we saw yesterday with this tracks high speed corners really exposing that flaw?
I know jack --- about tires, but I was thinking something along those lines.
I wonder if the revised glue solution compounded Pirelli's problem. When the tires delaminated before - or "punctured," as the company called it - the tread separated cleanly from the carcass, but otherwise left it intact. At Silverstone, the tires exploded. Is it possible that the revised glue solution meant that any failure of the tread caused a failure of the carcass simply because the tread was glued to it "too well"? In other words, when the tread came off, be it due to silly wear or degradation or anything else, did it just take the rest of the tire with it, which caused catastrophic failure in the process?