Favorite Current Driver and Why?

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Fernando Alonso. I'm more of a Ferrari fan than anything, so Alonso and Massa are my favorite drivers along with Schumacher, Raikkonen, Barichello and so on. Alonso's my favorite right now because he's taking the fight to Red Bull.
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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


I Like Sebastian Vettel , Fernando Alonso , Kimi Raikkonnen on Track
They will give each and every thing they got. Alonso and Kimi are current Complete drivers with Vettel was very close to them in my View.
Off Track i like Vettel and Kimi due to their Personal Life preferences.

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Helios wrote:
xDama wrote:Kimi Raikkonen.

The most natural talented.
I have Lewis down as the most naturally talented, with Kimi and Alonso second. Hard variable to measure, but I am confident in who I have number 1.

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Hamilton because of his instinctive, none text book driving.
There are many creative incidents that happened over his career that really makes him stand out from the rest.
Spa 2008 with Kimi, the weaving incident with petrov etc.
How he used the KERS strategically in 2009 when we were all introduced to the system. Most drivers weren't using it the way he was manipulating it.
His overtaking craft is also the most creative on the track. So much so that other drivers have implemented some of his moves the following years. He's a real edge of the seat overtaker too. DRS has taken the shine off of it of course, but he's still doing things where u must ask if the guy has lost his mind doing that in that corner.
Monaco, overtake on shumacher turn1 comes to mind. Also the double overtake on shumi and sutil in china as well. Overtake on button in china turn1. Oevrtake on Alonso Silverstone 2011? His overtake in germany on the outside of alonso to take the win. Just to name a few.
He's probably the fastest over a lap, and maybe if we had refueling still, over a race, but i think that is just one aspect of his abilities. His main signature is his driving style which contributes to his speed and creativity.

I think Alonso is the best driver, and yes he's my second favourite driver. It's contradictory, but these 2 drivers even when they were in the same team, i was a mclaren fan back then, so those 2 were my picks.
Alonso is not necessarily the fastest driver out there. But he has a "beast mode" :lol: which you don't really get with the other drivers. And if they have that mode, (Webber) they crash soon after that. He's able to maintain that for a race distance. That's where his in race speed comes from. He seems to have a never say never attitude. You see this when he loses the championship to vettel these couple times. You look in his face, and you know he's trying to turn back time, even when it's all said and done.
They say hamilton wears his heart on his sleeve, but i think Alonso is the most guilty party in that sense. The man is a maniac.
Not withstanding this best driver thing varies, it depends on who is paired with who. If Alonso is paired with Lewis, i wouldn't be able to say who's the best. I'll say Alonso now because of his experience and selfishness, which he can fully well exercise in ferrari.

As for Vettel, vettel is just vettel. I respect his achievements more and more each year and his dedication to work is note worthy, but he's boring. Much prefer Webber, though he lets me down 90% of the time. Vettel understands his machinery more than anyone else and he also understands the tyres more. You pick up a pattern that he does at the start of each race and at the end. You know he fully well understands when to push the tyres. He's a real student of the sport. But outside of that he's not really revolutionary or memorable. Can't deny that he's a championship winning machine however.
For Sure!!

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Rosberg: underrated by casual fans

Massa: I just want to see him recapture his pre 09 form and I think he is genuinely a nice guy.

Webber: It was really cool to see a guy that had been stuck in the midfield for his whole career (despite being signed by a supposedly top team in 2005 in Williams) get to finally have a competitive car in 2009. I have liked supporting him since.

Button: seems like a nice guy and he was the underdog at McLaren when he was with Hamilton (and I like to support an underdog).

I have nothing against Hamilton, Vettel, Alonso and Raikkonen, but I can't support every driver or else the races would be boring. I also don't like supporting the favourites to win races which these guys typically are.

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Websta wrote:Rosberg: underrated by casual fans

Massa: I just want to see him recapture his pre 09 form and I think he is genuinely a nice guy.

Webber: It was really cool to see a guy that had been stuck in the midfield for his whole career (despite being signed by a supposedly top team in 2005 in Williams) get to finally have a competitive car in 2009. I have liked supporting him since.

Button: seems like a nice guy and he was the underdog at McLaren when he was with Hamilton (and I like to support an underdog).

I have nothing against Hamilton, Vettel, Alonso and Raikkonen, but I can't support every driver or else the races would be boring. I also don't like supporting the favourites to win races which these guys typically are.
Massa hasn't been the same since the crash, or indeed after his defeat in 2008

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Sebastian Vettel.
I've always enjoyed very talented young guns, like Jenson, Fernando, Kimi and Lewis before him.
Took notice to him as a Friday tester for BMW, but the spectacular things he's done in Torro Rosso cemented it for me. As he's matured over the years, not only has he become more and more impressive, but he continues to show all his doubters, he works fantastically with his team, he works hard and he stays true to himself. And when he pulls an incredible pole out of his hat, or takes that win with faster cars on his tail, how can you not be in awe.

No matter what unreasonable double standard excuse people keep throwing at him year after year, he keeps checking them off one by one.
I love how he works with his team. Working with the team 'till late at night, honoring his team members with a special helmet, not feeling too big to make them lunch. He is one of the few drivers who doesn't feel himself too big to praise his team; no matter how much he is praised by pundits for a great drive, he is the first to be on the radio to thank his team for their great work.
No matter what people complain about his finger or his radio celebrations, he stays himself. This is his victory, he deserves to celebrate the way he wants, and he does. Good for you kid!
While other drivers spent their off-time dishing out the ranks who they believe deserve credit, Vettel's never shy to give other drivers credit where credit is due. He doesn't need to play the politics, he does his talking on the track. He doesn't cry foul to the press and whines about a conspiracy against him when he loses yet another win to mechanical issues, he just gets in next race and doubles down. And yes, since Malaysia, we now know when he feels he's being screwed, he takes no prisoners.

I love his happy outgoing drama-free personality.

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


You're free to like whoever you like. .......
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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


is it a gut feeling without fact checking?
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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Here we go...
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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


mnmracer wrote:is it a gut feeling without fact checking?
Yes, that's why this thread is left open because the posts weren't argumentative or attempting to prove anything.

Think of it as an F1 confessional.

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


It would be REALLY interesting to see how people view the teammates of their favorites, and the teams their favorites drive for. For example, I'm not a big fan of Red Bull (though I do recognise they're currently the best team operationally and design-wise, I still have my allegiance to McLaren) nor of Mark Webber. Despite my favorite driver being Vettel, that is.

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


raymondu999 wrote:It would be REALLY interesting to see how people view the teammates of their favorites, and the teams their favorites drive for.
I will answer that from my viewpoint.

As a Lewis fan, I like Rosberg and think he is a decent driver. I also like Jenson as well. I like Mercedes, but dislike McLaren as I think they do not achieve enough with the resources they have.

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Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Another Hamilton fan here, for reasons posted above. Reminds me of the way Senna used to drive the car and it's a shame the tyres have taken so much from him as well as the other drivers, bar Button.

Alonso is still the best driver on the grid for me though, he's just got it all.

I still don't rate Vettel that much, hes had the best car for the most part and as Hamilton recently said, he was missing lots of apexes and still getting pole because the car was just so fast. I can't deny his skill of getting out of DRS at the beginning of the race and just keeping the perfect distance away to stay in front though.

Button is another guy I love to watch, his style is so smooth its gracious, and watching him in changing conditions is always entertaining, such a brain on him I'm certain he will continue in a technical role in the years to come.
Felipe Baby!

Joined: 10 Jun 2009, 16:51

Re: Favorite Current Driver and Why?


Helios wrote:
xDama wrote:Kimi Raikkonen.

The most natural talented.
Everything in F1 is arguable, especially these fan-based threads. It's my opinion, and mine only. But if I'm talking about natural talent, then I'm talking about the qualities of a driver, without any professional help.

If you look at the pre-F1 careers of Raikkonen, Hamilton & Alonso (who are without any discussion the most talented of the current grid, with Vettel aside), than you see the big difference between these 3. Hamilton had professional support from Mclaren since he was 10, Raikkonen & Alonso did it practically on their own. With Raikkonen entering F1 after a mere 23 professional single seater races.

Let alone the fact that ALL current drivers spends hours and hours in simulators, are training like super athletes & spend hours on meetings/briefings/etc/etc. Raikkonen does none of that. He gets in the car, drives the wheels of it and at the end of the weekend he travels to the next party.
"I race to win, and if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver." - Ayrton Senna