Ogami musashi wrote:
It is turn 8 at istanbul, the longest sustained G's corner. No matter the level road or not, it is the same corner and the vertical compression/release would only vary if lateral speed varies...so that's a fair comparison.
It's not a true steady state corner; speed varies through it by a small but significant amount, not counting entry/exit. That aside, the road surface condition varies year on year. Temperature, amount of rubber laid down, etc. It's a fair comparison if you take all of that into account, but it's nearly impossible to accurately quantify all of those effects, and the list I have here is by no means exhaustive.
Juzh wrote:They weren't. Fact! Even if 2011 were faster on a few (few!!) tracks in quali, all their fastest laps during races are miles of 2010 times. We are talking downforce anyway, not fastest lap time.
The 2010 tyres were designed to be fast. The 2011 tires are designed to shred themselves. Even if they had the same amount of downforce, their race times should be much slower.
Tommy Cookers wrote:
we know that accelerometer readings are at source not corrected for overshoot, noise and car attitude
This is important.
roblomas52 wrote:Personally, I think the 2010 cars are faster than the 2012 cars because the 2010 red bull I think had a blown double diffuser and even on my Xbox, I can feel the difference in handling at the rear because of that factor.
I won't doubt whether or not you felt a difference in your game. I will doubt whether or not the real car and the xbox car behave the same.
Jersey Tom wrote:If it is indeed getting a little slower - what difference does it make? I'd say... none.
It makes a difference. Just not one that matters. If you ask me, anyways.
Juzh wrote:
Turkey is a bit of a 1 of. Still T8 was flat in 2010, it wasnt in 2011.
Suzuka had a monsoon on saturday, hence quali was held on a completely green track on cold sunday morning. 2011 cars barely beat 2010 by a mere 3 tenths. First sector time for 2010 which is all DF related: 31.670, 2011: 32.111.
Apex speed trough copse 295kmh in 2010, 270kmh in 2011. pole time 0.8s faster with no drs & kers.
T9 in barcelona was flat in 2010 for RB6, yet both red bulls had to lift in 2011 despite cerbs being moved to prevent corner cutting in T8 which led to even slower aproach to T9.
2010 cars had more downforce, no matter how you spin it. Evidence is all there and RB6 would run rings round RB7 during the race even if we had 2010 like enduring tyres in 2011. 2012 was a bit of a joke year in terms of raw pace.
None of this is rigorous justification that 2010 had more downforce than 2011. You have not isolated downforce as a variable. Variations in track conditions and very importantly, the change of tires, are not accounted for. Those two effects alone could account for the difference in lap times even if downforce did not change year on year. It's circumstantial evidence, as your argument only stands if the track, weather and tires (among other things I won't bother listing) were identical 1 year later. They quite plainly are not.
Also, bear in mind that downforce works through the tires. In general, tires express a lower friction coefficient as load rises; how much it drops off depends on the tire. What if it drops off much more for the pirellis than for the bridgestones? Then, your lateral cornering ability could be lower even if you have more downforce. Without knowing certain properties of the tires involved, you can't tie together lap times and downforce levels.
In China 2012, between Q2 and Q3 the temperature dropped like 1 degree and suddenly everybody was half a second slower. The Pirellis manage to complicate a lot of things. So no, you don't have a ton of evidence to suggest 2011 did not have as much downforce as 2010.
Ogami musashi wrote:My original comment was for 2004. Just compare the qualifying laps (done with a full stint fuel) times with the post 2006, you'll see that 2004 cars were significantly faster.
Well of course, significantly different engine formula. That's to be expected.