Red Bull Veneno

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Joined: 01 Feb 2012, 22:11
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Re: Red Bull Veneno


With the info from the engine crisis thread, RB owning IP along with Renault and possibly Ilmor, does that lend any credence to VAG moving into F1 at a lower cost? If this IP can be given freely by RB to VAG, would that bring R&D costs down and allow for a Lambo partnership (read - $$)?

Joined: 24 Feb 2013, 14:07

Re: Red Bull Veneno


kptaylor wrote:With the info from the engine crisis thread, RB owning IP along with Renault and possibly Ilmor, does that lend any credence to VAG moving into F1 at a lower cost? If this IP can be given freely by RB to VAG, would that bring R&D costs down and allow for a Lambo partnership (read - $$)?
there is not gonna be no lambo partnership in any way. Lamborghini has zero use in F1. there is no market for Lambo there. not even a hint of it. Lambo once did a F1 'adventure' and it failed miserably. Things are different today, but the truth remains that F1 has no relevance for Lamborghini. It's clientele and market does not depend on it in any way. Neither is Lamborghini a brand that would feel promoting itself through F1 'just for fun'.

It just won't happen.

VW/Audi, yes, and specifically, the latter would be the game. Audi as a brand would benefit on several levels from F1 promotion after being years in the LM game. Taking on 'Mercedes' would be enough game to get it going. Money indeed is the big issue there and it has to result in success.
But an Audi V6T Hybrid powerplant? Difficult, because as far as i'm aware, there is no Audi V6T powerplant around that would bring a confidential link to the road. So F1 would need an inline-4 or inline-6 or inline-5 for that. Not gonna happen soon. Audi also is quite game on Quattro, but well, that's not really possible in F1 (well, it would not be F1).

Current F1 rules don't provide for an Audi/VAG engine in the F1 game.

Honda, Mercedes, Renault, Ferrari, yes. Cosworth would be a good game for an independant engine provider. Somehow i'd rather expect BMW to enter F1 again as an engine provider again - not as a works team though. However, BMW has certainly made a balance and needs little time to see it's not worth the immense trouble in F1.
so you have to wonder, who would? and the clear answer is, just look at the amount of engine providers in F1 and it's clear. nobody would, except for those in the game already.

Confirmation is slowly leaking through the paddock currently that Red Bull have signed an Engine deal with VW through Lamborghini as the engine partner.

The word its that the team will carry the Bull symbol of both Red Bull and Lamborghini.
this is still the same thread as the topic started with. :lol:
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"