This is totally right. And I agree with sebbe: McLaren has been on the edge of winning a championship. Personally, I believe Alonso did the right move (and McLaren too). I confess I am an Alonso fan...Crabbia wrote:... there is a constant ebb and flow in the competiveness...

But look at what Ferrari has done covering all aspects of racing (it seems IMHO). It is not only Schumi and the Ferrari, they have Todt and Byrne and, I dare to say, good commitment from a car factory like FIAT. McLaren, apparently, has failed by not balancing all approachs (pilot, aerodynamics, engine or whatever you say it wasn't there). Or there may exist other reasons, I don't know.
All I am saying is that, while Kimmi fights bravely, Alonso's prospects seem bleaker with every race that passes, and that Hudson has his own style to explain that.
This does not mean things at McLaren cannot change, I concede. But this surely means things have to change.