Tp wrote:Who said that Schumacher publicly announced he was giving money to charity?
allan, you know things Schuey himself isn't aware of (you should let him know). His menager Willi Weber was on the phone live from Mallorca during TV show announcing that Schuey will give 10 mil. Whatever chancellor Schroeder said it was done AFTER this TV show. So it wasn't me talking a lot without thinking but you.allan wrote:seriously manchild, U TALK A LOT WITHOUT THINKING!!
it was the german counsellor, schnuder i think, who started blaming schumacher for not paying his taxes in germany and donating millions for tsunami!!! that's how the media knew about michael's donation, only except if he had called u and told u to speak to the media about it!
In 2005, Schumacher donated US$10 million to charity for the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake in a charity show on the German television network ZDF. It was later announced that Schumacher's bodyguard, Burkhard Cramer, and Cramer's two sons, had died while on holiday in Phuket, Thailand.
...10 Millionen Dollar von "Schumi"
Einer, der etwas tun will, ist Michael Schumacher. Vor kurzem wählten die ZDF-Zuschauer den Formel 1-Weltmeister zu "unserem besten Sportler", und Schumacher bewies, dass sie damit so falsch nicht liegen: Sage und schreibe zehn Millionen Dollar steuerte er zur Hilfsaktion bei!
"Wer Michael und seine Frau kennt, weiß, dass ihnen vor allem die Kinder am Herzen liegen", sagte sein Manager Willi Weber, der telefonisch aus Mallorca in die Sendung geschaltet wurde. Keine leeren Worte - gemeinsam mit dem Auswärtigen Amt soll nun entschieden werden, wie die riesige Summe am besten eingesetzt werden kann.,187 ... 27,00.html
In general, I’m not objecting it being done this way because help is help. Schuey made an exceptional donation, no question about it. I’m only objecting that someone who isn’t doing it publicly can be called as someone who doesn’t care with nothing to back that up.