Mmmm... 3 males and 3 females... I wonder what the movie is about.
@emburmark: I would buy Michael a beer, c'mon. I am not sure about sharing my precious 10 year old rum, but everything has a limit...
I do not know what else to say, except that if I argue for the necessity of having a "great soul" I am at least consequential: I don't care if MS has one million "controversial" moves from now until his retirement. I really admire the guy, specially because of them! I could not do the same, believe me. I won't dare. But I am not the only one in this forum... ehem.
For example, I admire Kerouac, Lowry, Camus and Wilde: I do not expect my heroes to be perfect (ehem... I only wish some fans could learn that). If I did, I would be reading only Harry Potter...
About the racing tradition, what I meant is that all we had in Colombia to show to the racing world since the Pleistocene was Roberto Guerrero and Diego Montoya. Down here we have no Mercedes, BMW or Audi factories. The best you can drive are tin-tops. And Juan Montoya's father had no kart track.
Finally, here in Latin America we have a different set of "important things in life". I invite you all to take a look to the "
Happy Planet Index", as a way to try to understand JPM attitude about F1. UK occupies the 108th position, Germany the 81th, and Colombia the 2nd! I believe this is because we value "the number of happy years you can reach with the less use of ecological resources".
Of the 10 "happiest societies" in the world, the less materialistic ones, 9 are in the corner of the caribbean that Colombia occupies. And, no, we do not consume drugs to reach it, before you start to make jokes on my "happy patriotism"...

And I know you will... I hope you will.
This is our national attitude about cars: they are made to sing, drink and dance on them! (well, except for the driver).
Yes, the roof is made of wood, I know. Anyway, thanks emburmark for giving me the chance of ranting about how good is my country...