Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


The Times does keep

hammering this issue home. Here's a sampling of the latest articles:

His S&M, Max Mosley should resign; basically what it says. Leading article in the comment section, makes this all about Max.

Pressure grows on Max Mosley to stand down; mainly a Bernie Ecclestone interview in article form (the escapade is recounted in between, some fairly obvious notions about German and Japanese companies' bemusement at the general theme of the day). The main point: To avoid an affront to the Bahraini Royal Family and taking all attention from racing, Max shouldn't be present says Bernie (otherwise managing to be uncharacteristically vague).

Max Mosley in position to choose own time for his departure; analysis, a pretty solid account of the institutional pillars of power supporting the FIA precidency.

Paddy Hitler, Max Mosley and the dilemma of Nazi children; a selection of people for whom parents have also amounted to a personal political dilemma. Rounds it up, as it were.

Now, while it is getting way ahead of things, perhaps we should indeed consider the possible ramifications of a change in FIA's leadership. People, technology, other. A few names have already been mentioned ... I don't really have a personal preference, but will recount the names I've seen mentioned in "reputable" sources thus far.

- Jean Todt (duh, obviously)
- Richard Parry-Jones (illustrious Ford career, Jaguar F1 backround, conveniently available)
- Nick Craw (ACCUS President, an interesting U.S dimension there)

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


For what its worth..i find the video a bit short fpr a 5 hour take. I also see no clear shot of mosleys face or hear his distinct voice. I dont see him dressed up in nazi gear nor the hookers. I dont hear distinct barking in german language. I still have a hard time believing it is a real video.

If it did it would probably mean the end of his reign as president. I predict hel step down before the end of the week then.

If not news of the week can look forward to some sizeable damage pricetag.
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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Checkered, I'm all in for Nick Craw. THAT would be neutrality and global thinking. Thanks for the Time's articles. I smiled wondering if Mosley is "the ruler of his domain". I'm sure many of you have seen the Seinfeld episode "The Contest".

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


does any one else find it a bit strange that the fia havent responded?? considering that max is the head of their organisation....... :shock:

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I want to see the video to see if it is him, but I don't want to potentially see his weiner.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Giblet wrote:I want to see the video to see if it is him, but I don't want to potentially see his weiner.
You can find one on youtube (not all of them are deleted yet). All the 'parts' were covered with the checkered flag during the post-production :lol:

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Well, I guess fans have an excuse why such unfavorable rules have been passed for the past few years. It's an extension (if true) of his fantasy... pretty weird I also heard the news on local radio, since F1 is hardly mentioned around these parts of the country.

I saw a brief clip on Youtube and could not tell if that was him or not, but I was unfortunately leaning towards the latter.
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Rob W
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Ciro Pabón wrote:..."the ruler of his domain". I'm sure many of you have seen the Seinfeld episode "The Contest".
Ha ha... Mosley is Kramer... out in the first day :lol:

FYI, the Times Online's repeated articles really don't include any properly attributed quotes other than from Bernie so are starting to look a bit silly imo.

Last edited by Rob W on 02 Apr 2008, 00:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Isn't Mr. Mosley like George Constanza? Caught by his mother...

It has also been established, beyond any doubt, that Mosley dresses funnier than Jackie Stewart.

As for The Times, most of the articles are labeled as "analysis", I'd say they don't need quotes. After all, from now on, nobody is really interested on what Ecclestone or Mosley says. Yuck.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Ciro Pabón wrote:It has also been established, beyond any doubt, that Mosley dresses funnier than Jackie Stewart.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


So we won't see Mad Max at Bahrain this w/e..


So Bernie thinks it's all true from what he's said!
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


That already showed in his comments from yesterday:
Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone believes that Mosley's position will not be affected by the allegations: “I’ve known him an awful long time. If somebody had told me this without the evidence I would have found it difficult to believe.

“Assuming it’s all true, what people do privately is up to them. I don’t honestly believe it affects the sport in any way. Knowing Max it might be all a bit of a joke. You know, it’s one of those things where he’s sort of taking the p***, rather than anything against Jewish people.”

It was all over the news in Belgium yesterday too. The Max Mosley scandal. If it is untrue, why doesn't Mosley make a statement? I believe it is true, 100%.

ps: Those hookers made a lot more money out of selling the video than what they got from Mosley for a 5-hour job.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I don't think it matters any more if it is tre or not (although from Max' reaction I think it might be) either way Max has been very publicly humiliated and everyone will remember him as 'that sex scandal geriatric' even if he clears his name.

I think the FIA have released a statement (can't remember where I saw it, can't find it again) basically saying its none of our business, let him get himself out of this one. Meanwhile he's not going to Bahrain and is apparently sueing for invasion of privacy rather than slander, that pretty much admitting it.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Seems like april fools came a bit earlier this year.

But i think private matters should be just that, private. I don't give a toss about the guy's sex life. Who cares?

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I care when someone in a powerful job, who perports to being a non racist is playing sick sex games reinacting events which took place in the holocaust! [-X

I hope he quits, as we've seen plenty of politicians etc go for a lot less..
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