Sigh... myurr. I already said that this was LAST year news. Do you want me to google who's the chief permanent steward for you? I was complaining about posts that ask for a permanent steward, but there is no worse deaf that the one that does not want to hear. Besides, I bet you think I don't know F1...
Thank the gods we have now WB's post to clarify who's intelligent and who's not. I bet he would do better as steward, specially in Heidfeld case. What would you say to Rubens, White? That he's not into a BMW?
I'm marveled at the impartiality of your posts.
Every time someone complains about decisions, is about the decisions that somehow interfere with his team (and lately,
any decision is wrong for Hamilton's enshriners, as if he
needed to be enshrined: how many times has he said in the last month that he's the best driver in the world? I've already lost count).
I'm truly fed up with ignorant posts ranting about FIA or Ferrari. Yes, I belong to FIA, but only because I'm a member of my local club, as all of you, I guess.
I don't like Ferrari in particular, but I certainly dislike posts that criticize the work of other without having the slight idea what they're talking about, IMHO. I have to read posts that say that the FIA is sold to Ferrari in a decision that involves Honda and BMW. Ridiculous.
Besides, why should we need stewards? Any time they make a mistake, we can detect it
on the TV and besides, you can claim that you detect by TV that the stewards are sold.
I bet you would be happy if decision were made by polling the public, altough I'm afraid the results won't make britons happy unless they only polled britons.
I guess you would be happy at the Roman Coliseum, where decisions were made by the mob, pointing their thumbs up or down.
Oh, my. What's happening to my beloved F1? Are we really thinking that is full of crooks, liars and bad drivers? Then, what in heaven are you doing posting here?
At least Boci points to an explanation, altough I have to say that I was pretty well informed that the entrance was modified, before the qualy. I live, I dont' know, about 20.000 km from Singapore. If Heidfeld made a mistake, then whose fault is? The stewards and Ferrari?