You see that guy with the leather gloves? he's also holding a grounding wire, to discharge any electrical potential from the car. Remember, just a few months ago a tech got knocked on his butt from touching a car as it came into the pits. It seems KERS has a few potential safety issues still to be resolved. Especially in the pitting/refuelling scenario. Maybe, in the interests of safety, KERS should have it's electrical/mechanical stored energy discharged before entering the pits......
The BMW front wing endplates have a very aggressive scoop discharging air directly sideways. Interesting how much this will affect other cars alongside or behind.
The sidepods have been totally redesigned. The sides are vertical and flat, as per the new regulations. But since the aero guys want a strong venturi effect at the sidepod/undertray junction, the sidepods rapidly narrow further aft. Completely new packaging issues, reflected in the high sidepod. The nose is HUGE. Maybe if they use capacitors, maybe a convenient location? Since most likely the CG is too far aft without locating some substantial mass in the nose. I'm probably totally incorrect on that one, but we have to keep the options open.
It's very hard to place BMW's state of development compared to the others, since very little is known at this time, but my opinion is that BMW is at a very advanced state of development, and without any doubt .. they are very, very serious. All the hard work and devopment is just a prelude to this year's car, which is definitely designed to be a serious title contender.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.