sebbe wrote:Lewis lies and McLaren is to be blamed?
He is not a 9-y-o little child that does everything adults tell him to do, is he?
He lied, knew he was lying and lied because he wanted the 3rd place.
He chose to lie, now he has to pay, not the team.
If he wants to quit McLaren is because he knows he did wrong.
If I were Martin, I'd fired him right away.
Who, by the way, was on holidays in Australia while these two were doing nonsense.
As a McLaren fan, I want Lewis out of McLaren.
As I recell the incident started at the Australian GP, when Mertin Whitmarsh was NOT on holiday, but in fact on the pitwall. And at the beginning of the Malaysia GP weekend, when, if you were a team boss and you had that sort of story hanging over your head it might be a good idea to be there for any fallout not "on holiday".
Also, why is everybody so hung up on this whole lie-gate thing, as if it's the ONLY driver behind a possible move for Lewis. The topic here is, "Will Lewis Leave Mclaren?" not "Will Lewis Leave Mclaren because of the recent "LieGate" Scandal?" Sure the thread may have come about because of this latest incident, but Lewis & his father are no fools, they won't leave a championship winning team like Mclaren over one isolated incident.
There are many more dicisive factors that may make Lewis contempate this move:
+ Lack of competitive machinary in '09 (and beyond?)
+ Spygate
+ Dodgy pit strategies (China '07)
+ Alonso-Gate
+ He may feel he gets harsh penalties (Spa '08) because he is driving a Mclaren and Mclaren are being targeted by the FIA.
Now I AM NOT saying all the above is fact. I'm suggesting what may be going through HIS mind. Take for example this whole Lie-Gate saga, the person he listens to most is his dad, his Dad will likely tell him something like "Son, you messed up, and I'm disappointed in you, but I understand it's because you were mislead." IN HIS MIND, it is now mostly Mclaren's fault.
This COULD BE the straw that broke the camels back for Lewis.
On the otherhand, it may not, he may see all of this as nothing more than the various trials and tribulations that one must go through to reach your goals. In which case he'll stay. We can only speculate.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.