andartop wrote:...Just imagine how many more Championships he would've won if his "moves" actually brought about the intended result!!!
hmmm, what maybe 2 more? 3 max... but was ruining his entire legacy worth it? but then there are many who would look over all that crap he did and only see the 7 WDC's
Does it look like his entire legacy is ruined? Sorry, I hadn't noticed. For most people I know who've ever watched even 1 F1 race, MS is either the best ever or second best behind Senna.
(I would vote Nuvolari, how about you?)
So, in the same logic, is McLaren's legacy forever ruined after all the cheating, stealing and lying?
How about Prost's and Senna's?
I don't think so. Obviously, MS had some low points in his career. But these don't take anything away from his brilliant ones. And surely, I don't think Spa 1995 is one of those low points..
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. H.P.Lovecraft
ISLAMATRON wrote:With MS, it was not just any single incident, it was a number of bad moves on his part, how many times ramming other competitors, or blocking, or race fixing, or blocking the track during qual... the list just goes on and on.
When Schumacher "Rammed villenive off" that looked fine to me. schumacher just moved over to defend his postion and villenive just went for it. like in 1994 schumacher moved over to block hill at the bend after going off and hill just barged his way though and got what he deserved. I think if michael blocked the track in monaco of purpose he would have hit the wall and damaged nose cone to make it look legit. but he didnt do that so maybe it was mistake?
ok yes, now I am convinced that i didnt see what I saw, he was a saint, basically the mother Theresa of F1, please continue to display to us how to swing on his balls.
Wow, this post started out "Belgian GP 1995" and soon there were references to indiscretions by other drivers in other years and tracks. Then it went off the cliff with low insults.
Shame, because the 1995 race at Spa was wonderful. Great drivers engaged in fierce combat. And the track itself, the wonderful and beautiful Spa.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.
DaveKillens wrote:Wow, this post started out "Belgian GP 1995" and soon there were references to indiscretions by other drivers in other years and tracks. Then it went off the cliff with low insults.
Shame, because the 1995 race at Spa was wonderful. Great drivers engaged in fierce combat. And the track itself, the wonderful and beautiful Spa.
Sadly, people without (and sometimes with) any technical knowledge come to this forum to talk as a biased fan instead of creating some value to it. They should read and learn, as I did, to hopefully someday make its own technical contributions. I think our kind moderators wont give those the boot, but some members will make them remember that there are hundreds of "fan ranting" based forums in the net were they can go to exchange insults. And even more: I know some of those kind of forums were insults are rare and always punished. So, please be civilized, take your rage off hearing death metal
"You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." -Juan Manuel Fangio
"I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence." -Ayrton Senna
The best reason to argue online, is that every internet argument has a clear winner, and knowing this fact, and being the smart person you are, you realized that the only way to win an argument online is to keep arguing and escalating until a clear winner emerges.
Before I do anything I ask myself “Would an idiot do that?” And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. - Dwight Schrute
FGD wrote:
Let's not forget about Senna intentionally smashing into Prost at Suzuka 1990.
While this may be true do not forget that Prost drove Senna off the road the year before.
Then there was Piquet vs. Mansell, Pironi vs. Villeneuve, and so on. So many great drivers are accused and guilty of dirty driving
When did Pironi smash into Villeneuve, or when did Villeneuve smash into Pironi. I can not recall this ever happening, Pironi cheated Gilles of a win at Imola, but I do not think they ever crashed into one another. This was a different racing era, hard but fair (Pironi at Imola apart)
Senna actually admitted that he did this, almost a year after he did it. It is truth, in the history books. I read it in the "Concise Encyclopedia of Formula 1"
Before I do anything I ask myself “Would an idiot do that?” And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. - Dwight Schrute
Senna drove straight and refused to lift thus "allowing" the contact with Prost instead of avoiding it... Prost could have equally avoided it by giving Senna more racing room. Both were at fault.
Senna right side wheels were on the white line so he could not move over to the right, and there is no rule, written or not that mandate that you must brake for a car/driver swerving in front of you.
Prost knew that Senna was close, being that Senna had the pole, but close the door anyway, and did not leave any racing room for Senna.
Neither driver was braking at that point so you cant clearly say that Senna hit him from behind, especially since Prost spun, evidence that Senna touched his side and not his rear.
Senna was going for the win at any costs while MS was merely looking to ram Hill and then JV.