different - yesFil wrote:what they do and what image they portray themselves as via marketing are two completely different & separate things..
Exactly. It's not about crashgate ING have said they will not renew their sponsorship as they desperately need to save money after the financial crisis. Same with RBS they are seeing out and honouring their contract...until this happened and gave them the means to stop early and save money.kilcoo316 wrote:It is an excuse for companies to get out of sponsor deals and save money.
I think it says an awful lot about the moral standards within those companies that they use a flimsy excuse to renege on a previously agreed deal.
I for one, will not be doing any business with either ING or Mutua Madrilena in the future as a direct result of their actions.
zgred wrote:Trully ironic...
ING & MM got more publicity out of this than they could ever have imagined.Rob W wrote:Flimsy? Are you kidding? I can't think of any more appropriate reason to cancel a sponsorship agreement than a partner acting completely immorally and to the detriment of all other parties involved in the sport - drivers, teams, fans etc. All large sponsorship agreements would have ethical/disrepute 'out' clauses which either party can trigger.
Please.Rob W wrote: Banks use reliability/trust as a key marketing angle. I think Renault's actions sort of runs against their marketing aims.
There is not a connection of Piquets actions to ING's morals.Fil wrote:what they do and what image they portray themselves as via marketing are two completely different & separate things..
Absolutely true, there's no such thing as bad publicity! ING & Renault have got more publicity over Crashgate than they have all season.kilcoo316 wrote:ING & MM got more publicity out of this than they could ever have imagined.Rob W wrote:Flimsy? Are you kidding? I can't think of any more appropriate reason to cancel a sponsorship agreement than a partner acting completely immorally and to the detriment of all other parties involved in the sport - drivers, teams, fans etc. All large sponsorship agreements would have ethical/disrepute 'out' clauses which either party can trigger.
Not only the race victory, but then the inquiry into it.
I hope for your sanity you do not actually think people will automatically connect ING to cheating on account of Piquets actions?