[MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


No worries, thanks for the explaination!

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


The submission deadline for the next race is the 10th right? There was some talk about some rule changes for the nose etc, are these going to come into affect before then?
MRVC: Tolo Racing

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


Thanks, for reminding me. Once more time is flying.
Now it is too late for rule changes. I do not like taking them so close to a race. This means that we will keep the 0 deg rake for this race as well.
Also please keep in mind that there is always wiggle room in how the rules get interpreted. Some teams have already received warnings for their nose design, according to appendix 4 in the rules. This time, I will be very strict with unrealistic nose designs, so just do not even try these crazy designs anymore.
And I guess the funny rear wing mount be stay allowed for now.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LVDH wrote:
01 Sep 2022, 19:37
Thanks, for reminding me. Once more time is flying.
Now it is too late for rule changes. I do not like taking them so close to a race. This means that we will keep the 0 deg rake for this race as well.
Also please keep in mind that there is always wiggle room in how the rules get interpreted. Some teams have already received warnings for their nose design, according to appendix 4 in the rules. This time, I will be very strict with unrealistic nose designs, so just do not even try these crazy designs anymore.
And I guess the funny rear wing mount be stay allowed for now.
Cool, yes I agree its too late to change the rules now. I'm going to send you a PM just to make sure you think my nose is okay.
MRVC: Tolo Racing

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


I just realized two things thanks to this request about the wing.
We forgot to show some nice CFD images of race 1. What would you guys like to see?
Also I think, we should make requests like this one about the wing transparent. I think, I will collect them and show them after the race submission.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LVDH wrote:
02 Sep 2022, 17:56
I just realized two things thanks to this request about the wing.
We forgot to show some nice CFD images of race 1. What would you guys like to see?
Also I think, we should make requests like this one about the wing transparent. I think, I will collect them and show them after the race submission.
I think it would be good to be more open with the CFD results and the design process with each other. I know in F1 everyone's all cloak and daggers but we're competing for fun and it would be great to have a more lively discussion.

Feel free to share the request I sent you (it was more about the nose than the wing). Though I did send you the full CAD model of my car so probably don't share that.

Also what's your suggested/required approach for merging our CAD models with the mandatory parts? Do we have to include all the mandatory STL files in the CFD submission? At the moment I've been importing then into my CAD program as step files then joining them all together with my surfaces, so I have one big 'car.stl' that includes the majority of the geometry. I'm happy to change this if you require something different.
MRVC: Tolo Racing

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LegendaryM wrote:
03 Sep 2022, 09:14
Feel free to share the request I sent you (it was more about the nose than the wing). Though I did send you the full CAD model of my car so probably don't share that.
No need to worry. I plan to simply show the images and questions I get.

LegendaryM wrote:
03 Sep 2022, 09:14
Also what's your suggested/required approach for merging our CAD models with the mandatory parts? Do we have to include all the mandatory STL files in the CFD submission? At the moment I've been importing then into my CAD program as step files then joining them all together with my surfaces, so I have one big 'car.stl' that includes the majority of the geometry. I'm happy to change this if you require something different.
This is a good question. When I receive your cars, I delete all mandatory parts that you guys often send with your submissions. Then a script copies MY mandatory parts back into the simulation. I do this, to prevent you guys from "accidentally" sending me modified mandatory parts. Also this means that rules about covering the mandatory parts are actually not needed. The parts will be part of the official simulation. If you did not take care to cover them properly with a nice surface this will lead to unintended aerodynamic behavior. So I suggest to use these parts for your own simulations.

I just sent out the official email about the next race. If it does not reach you within the next hour, you are probably not registered correctly or are blocking the emails, or....

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LVDH wrote:
03 Sep 2022, 09:20

This is a good question. When I receive your cars, I delete all mandatory parts that you guys often send with your submissions. Then a script copies MY mandatory parts back into the simulation. I do this, to prevent you guys from "accidentally" sending me modified mandatory parts. Also this means that rules about covering the mandatory parts are actually not needed. The parts will be part of the official simulation. If you did not take care to cover them properly with a nice surface this will lead to unintended aerodynamic behavior. So I suggest to use these parts for your own simulations.

I just sent out the official email about the next race. If it does not reach you within the next hour, you are probably not registered correctly or are blocking the emails, or....
Yes I've got the email thanks :)

Hmm, when I import the mandatory stl's into Mantium Flow they all seem to be in the wrong units and 1000x too big:
Warning: Front wheels seem to be positioned incorrectly. In MVRC they should be in global (0,0,0.3).

Warning: Rear wheels seem to be positioned incorrectly. In MVRC they should be in global (3.6,0,0.3).

Warning: Car seems to extend maximum allowed dimensions.

Warning: Diagonal of MAND_Dummy_rims_frt_01 is very large, please check the dimensions.... [etc]
This is with v2208 and the latest parts, any ideas?
MRVC: Tolo Racing

Joined: 13 Jul 2021, 20:23

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LegendaryM wrote:
03 Sep 2022, 12:11
LVDH wrote:
03 Sep 2022, 09:20

This is a good question. When I receive your cars, I delete all mandatory parts that you guys often send with your submissions. Then a script copies MY mandatory parts back into the simulation. I do this, to prevent you guys from "accidentally" sending me modified mandatory parts. Also this means that rules about covering the mandatory parts are actually not needed. The parts will be part of the official simulation. If you did not take care to cover them properly with a nice surface this will lead to unintended aerodynamic behavior. So I suggest to use these parts for your own simulations.

I just sent out the official email about the next race. If it does not reach you within the next hour, you are probably not registered correctly or are blocking the emails, or....
Yes I've got the email thanks :)

Hmm, when I import the mandatory stl's into Mantium Flow they all seem to be in the wrong units and 1000x too big:
Warning: Front wheels seem to be positioned incorrectly. In MVRC they should be in global (0,0,0.3).

Warning: Rear wheels seem to be positioned incorrectly. In MVRC they should be in global (3.6,0,0.3).

Warning: Car seems to extend maximum allowed dimensions.

Warning: Diagonal of MAND_Dummy_rims_frt_01 is very large, please check the dimensions.... [etc]
This is with v2208 and the latest parts, any ideas?
I had the same Front and Rear Wheels warnings initially but when I grouped all the Wheel parts in one stl file it worked fine

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


There was already a discussion about the "wrong" scaling of the stl parts. The thing about stl is, that there is no dimension to them. I never changed the supplied parts, as I assumed that you all adjusted your workflows and scale the parts down during import. I am happy to export them scaled down in the next version of the files.
Grouping wheel parts together sounds like a bad idea. Make sure to put the correct geometries into the corresponding MFlow folders. Grouping stuff sounds like a good way to accidentally have rotating suspension parts or something else crazy.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LVDH wrote:
03 Sep 2022, 14:31
There was already a discussion about the "wrong" scaling of the stl parts. The thing about stl is, that there is no dimension to them. I never changed the supplied parts, as I assumed that you all adjusted your workflows and scale the parts down during import. I am happy to export them scaled down in the next version of the files.
Grouping wheel parts together sounds like a bad idea. Make sure to put the correct geometries into the corresponding MFlow folders. Grouping stuff sounds like a good way to accidentally have rotating suspension parts or something else crazy.
Yeah I think it would be good to correct this for the next version, it doesn't change the stl surfaces directly so shouldn't mess anyone's CAD up.

Another issue I'm having is that Mantium flow is refusing to start for me on Fedora 36:

Code: Select all

GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 18:02:37.956: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings' does not contain a key named 'antialiasing'
It works fine for me in Windows but I'm sure you can agree, its much nicer to work in Linux
MRVC: Tolo Racing

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


LegendaryM wrote:
03 Sep 2022, 09:14
LVDH wrote:
02 Sep 2022, 17:56
I just realized two things thanks to this request about the wing.
We forgot to show some nice CFD images of race 1. What would you guys like to see?
Also I think, we should make requests like this one about the wing transparent. I think, I will collect them and show them after the race submission.
I think it would be good to be more open with the CFD results and the design process with each other. I know in F1 everyone's all cloak and daggers but we're competing for fun and it would be great to have a more lively discussion.
I'm all in for that. It's cool to see and discuss each other's cars, CFD images included.
Only, i'd prefer the cross sections of my wings to not be shown (at least, not clearly).

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


I would agree to show the cfd images only of the cars that received a warning or a penalty ;)

... but I agree that we need to see more CAD images, with views from different angles (maybe except from below).
Last edited by CAEdevice on 04 Sep 2022, 20:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


variante wrote: Only, i'd prefer the cross sections of my wings to not be shown (at least, not clearly).
Only velocity streamlines would be a good compromise

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2022 (Grand Prix Cars)


CAEdevice wrote:
04 Sep 2022, 20:21
variante wrote: Only, i'd prefer the cross sections of my wings to not be shown (at least, not clearly).
Only velocity streamlines would be a good compromise
Streamlines are pretty useless though. Obviously the designers are going to want to keep secrets but I think it would be in the interest of the competition to share stuff. Things like wing profiles don't really hold any secrets, it just depends on whether someone's taught you how to design them or not. And this competition should be about teaching things like that imo.
MRVC: Tolo Racing