Renault have quite understandably given up on their engine now. What's the point of spending a fortune upgrading an engine that likely won't ever be used as RB have no interest in taking grid penalties to develop their engine for them now.Jolle wrote:
You would have a point if Renault had used up all its tokens and their competitors hadn't. The case is that Renault had/has a handful of unused tokens left, what is, in my view, an inability to develop their engine. Mercedes on the other hand can develop their engine further, but can't because they are out of tokens.
without the token system and when Mercedes would be allowed to start every race with a fresh engine, the renault cars would be lapt after ten laps....
Merc would still only be able to introduce 5 new interants of the engine per season, and as we have seen from Ferrari's gains over the season, Mercedes are far closer to the ceiling of development than Ferrari or Renault are.