Here's a good one from AMuS - basically they're saying that the W03 is just too complicated for it's own good. ... 22021.html
I think Brawn&co are trying to be cheeky. The should take a look at red bull and build a car that can be used as an foundation for future rules changes. Red Bull uses the RB5/6 as baseline model and then look at the technical regs, to make a evolution that is legal within the new rules. With Mercedes i am getting the feeling that every year the try to build a totally new car, its understandable because management is pushing every year. But its not very clever. I hope next years car, will be an evolution without the negatives of this years car, because they car isn't really bad but it's more or less hampered by the tire deg and the side effects that brings (lack of downforce/ aero balance issues). If the W04 is a evolution of the W03 without those bad points, the team can finaly focus on bringing upgrades to the car instead of thinking about how to improve the main problems.Chuckjr wrote:MercAMGF1Fans wrote:Here's a good one from AMuS - basically they're saying that the W03 is just too complicated for it's own good.
Is that the natural offspring of car design by committee?
Chuckjr wrote:MercAMGF1Fans wrote:Here's a good one from AMuS - basically they're saying that the W03 is just too complicated for it's own good.
Is that the natural offspring of car design by committee?
Mika1 wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
The Mclaren is an evolution of last years car, it doesn´t necessarily mean they have to start with the car or design a car that is identical in appearance or carry over parts.raymondu999 wrote:I'm not sure the W01 to the W02 are really evolutions. I think there is carryover but I don't think they started with the W01 on the drawing board and took it from there. The W03 is clearly a product of the W02, legalised to the 2012 rules then upgraded.
I get that. But I think there's an important distinction between cars that have parts carried over, or cars that are an evolution of a previous car. An evolution would take the final-spec of the previous car as a starting point, legalised for the next season, then upgraded basically iteratively for the next season.Nando wrote:it doesn´t necessarily mean they have to start with the car or design a car that is identical in appearance or carry over parts.
The new version of their DRD is within the rules. I like to call it the "blow hole." It is similar to the Lotus system but more stable.clipsy1H wrote:no... their DDRS is banned next season.......Morteza wrote:What has been kept me scratching my head is how on God's earth Force India is fastermarcush. wrote:So in effect Mclarens "B" development team is better in developping their car then Mercedes "works"...Merc's developments seem to bring no advantage at all or is it just me? Their new exhausts have helped them, really? I'm simply baffled by how this team works in general. They are trying a Lotus style DDRS. Isn't that gonna be banned from next season?
Things didn't go downhill since then. The BGP001 was a high-mid field car that happened to have one cool idea on it that no one else had thought of. That idea, and that idea alone won it the championship.MercAMGF1Fans wrote:I know where everything started going down hill from since the BGP001