Phil, IMHO you don´t like Ferrari, and you see TOs very different if they come from Ferrari or from any other team. Let me show you the reason I´m saying this:
First thing IMO you´re not fair about Ferrari, different opinion depending on the team providing TOs:
Phil wrote:For example; the 2008 example you brought up was during the "re-fueling" era; so I'm quite certain that McLaren team-order was nothing more but explained that the lighter-car (Hamilton) was stuck behind their own heavier-longer-stint-car (Kovalainen) and to have their drivers hold each other up would be daft if both are on differing strategies. So I'm happy to ignore that one.
The multi 21 order was also, as I remember, down to the team not wanting their drivers to damage both their races by engaging in a self-destructive battle that would see them lose more positions and points to the opposition. This happens not only in Turkey-2010-situations, but also when drivers both drive more aggressively; the leading car by driving defensive (and thus losing time) and the following car by driving in the others dirty air. This can lead to a situation where the cars behind might catch up and make both battling cars vulnerable to an attack
So if it´s McLaren or Red Bull who provide TOs to preserve their postions, that´s fine, but if it´s Ferrari who do the same
because Vettel was catching up, then that´s not ok.
Hockenheim 2010 results
1st- Alonso
2nd- Massa +4.196
3th- Vettel +0.925
If they´d have engage on a self-destructive battle as you say, with Alonso attacking and Massa defending with both loosing time, Vettel would have catch them up even sooner than he did with Massa, so their positions and victory would have been vulnerable. Exactly the same Red Bull and McLaren did but then you justified them.
Second thing IMO you´re not fair about Ferrari, assuming a myth wich is not true:
Phil wrote:
No, they weren't the only ones, but they've always been the most obvious, the ones with a very clear number 1 driver and number 2.
As I previously explained and posted race results to prove, that´s not true, they only have number 1 and 2 when number 2 is out of the fight for the championship. You can check 2010 results below to confirm Massa beated Alonso three times before Germany. Ferrari never provide TOs when both drivers can fight for the championship. Fact.
Actually only signing two World Champions should discard this myth, thinking Ferrari will pay around $20Millions to someone to be #2 IMHO is absurd
Third one, reinterpreting facts:
Phil wrote:Lets also not forget that Ferrari is also the only team to have ordered one of their drivers to enable the other one to slip-stream on the straights to gain a top-speed and thus lap-time advantage. For the life of me I can't ever recall any other team going these lengths to gain such an advantage.
Sorry phil, but that´s not what happened in Monza. It was not one of their drivers receiving the order to enable the other one to slip-stream on the straights, it was a team strategy they both did trying to minimize their qualifying disadvantage, performed by both drivers, not only one.
BTW, Alonso did it perfectly so Massa took advantage of the slip-stream, while Massa didn´t do it correctly and Alonso couldn´t take advantage of the slip-stream
Fourth one, taking as a proof someones´opinion:
Phil wrote:And back to the Massa/Alonso in Hockenheim situation: I think the blog post I just linked to posts further up by Joe Saward pretty much refutes your claim that Alonso was that much quicker. He wasn't.
Sorry but no blog can change facts, no matter how argued it is. Massa was in front, Alonso behind, Alonso catched up Massa because he was faster, this is not only obvious but a must, if not then Massa would have maintained the gap. After the TOs Alonso moved away more than 4 seconds in very little laps. Another fact. How´s this posible if Alonso was not faster?
Fifth, assuming more unproved facts:
Phil wrote:Anyway, it's a moot point anyway - Ferrari put their weight behind Alonso and as a result Massa never found back to his self there anymore.
2010 season:
GP: Alonso-Massa
Bahrein: 1-2
Australia: 4-3
Malaysia: dnf-7
China: 4-9
Spain: 2-6
Monaco: 6-4
Turkey: 8-7
Canada: 3-15
Valencia: 8-11
UK: 14-15 (Alonso penalized because of Kubica´s overtaking)
Germany: 1-2
Hungary: 2-4
Belgium: dnf-4
Italy: 1-3
Singapore: 1-8
Japan: 3-dnf
Korea: 1-3
Brazil: 5-9
Abu Dhabi: 7-10
So Massa did 2 podiums before Hockenheim, and 2 podiums after Hockenheim. Missed points 2 times before and 1 time after. Considering there was 10 races before and 8 after, I can´t see that supposed lack of confidence after Germany... To the the results are pretty consistent before and after Germany.
IMHO there are many people trying to convide public opinion about Ferrari being the team providing most team orders, and the most unfair, also using the absurd argument of how affected Massa is because of this...
May someone show me some proof about this? Because I can´t find anything
Phil wrote: Despite that, perhaps due to feeling guilty, they kept him on the team for much longer than they perhaps should have until they finally pulled the plug on him.
More assumptions to support your pov.
Maybe they should have signed Kimi much sooner, he did it much better compared to Massa, didn´t he? Oh wait...
It´s easier for the public opinion to assume Massa was affected by that single TO (one in four years!!) and he never was the same again...
Sorry but no, I know coming from someone who support Alonso this looks biased, but reality is what it is, Alonso is so good his team mates always looks like underperforming, it is this simple. But many people who will never accept this will look for any weird reasoning he can find... it´s all due to TOs... a profesional driver being morally affected by a single TO... he was affected by an accident he can´t remind... a World Champion who can´t drive a car because it´s not up to his liking...
All this weird things have the same answer, and a lot more reasonable, his team mate is Alonso.
And Ferrari provide same TOs as any other team. Actually I´ve seen more TOs from many other teams (Red Bull and Mercedes) than from Ferrari, probably because Ferrari drivers have not been togheter in race too often, but it´s Ferrari the only one to be blamed about TOs because that´s what happened some decades ago... and some people will not need to accept Alonso has been whipping the floor with all his team mates
IMO these are the reasons you´re not fair at all with Ferrari, not saying that you don´t accept how good is Alonso, but you take advantage of the excuses these people use to blame a team you don´t like. And I´ve provided 5 points to support it, not a bold statement.